

Du Qiongfang 环球时报GlobalTimes 2019-03-28


不过最近,美国女星格温妮丝·帕特洛(Gwyneth Paltrow)在网上晒出一张自己与女儿艾坡(Apple)的同框照后,却引发了一场父母该不该不经孩子许可就随意晒娃的争论。


(Via Instagram)


"Sharenting" - the act of parents sharing news and pictures of their kids online - is in the news after Gwyneth Paltrow posted a picture of her and her 14-year-old daughter Apple Martin skiing.


More than 150,000 people liked the picture, but Apple wasn't so impressed, writing (from her private Instagram account): "Mom we have discussed this. You may not post anything without my consent."


Paltrow replied: "You can't even see your face!"


Can you stop your parents sharing photos of you online? (via BBC)




BBC最近就采访到一位名叫Konrad Iturbe的西班牙软件开发员。现年19岁的Iturbe在14岁的时候才意识到他的父母一直在网上晒自己的照片。

Konrad Iturbe (via BBC)

"My mother had Instagram before I even had a phone - so I wasn't aware that photos of me had been published," he told the BBC.


"I really don't like photos of me online anyway - I don't even post photos of myself on my Instagram account - so when I followed my mother and saw them on her profile, I told her to 'take this down, I've not given you permission'."


Can you stop your parents sharing photos of you online? (via BBC)


14岁的美国女孩Sonia Bokhari有着同样的烦恼。当她发现她母亲在脸书上晒她照片长达数年后,感到非常尴尬和深深的背叛

"There, for anyone to see on her public Facebook account, were all of the embarrassing moments from my childhood: the letter I wrote to the tooth fairy when I was five years old, pictures of me crying when I was a toddler, and even vacation pictures of me when I was 12 and 13 that I had no knowledge of."


Can you stop your parents sharing photos of you online? (via BBC)

当然,也有对父母的“晒娃”行为毫不介意的孩子。23岁的伦敦姑娘Charlotte Christy说,她的母亲从她13岁开始就在脸书上晒她的照片,不过,她个人认为这种行为再正常不过了

Charlotte Christy (via BBC)

"I feel like we live in a society where everyone wants their photos to be really flattering - but if my mum posts an unflattering photo of me it doesn't really bother me."


"I think I share photos of my mum just as much as she shares photos of me - I think it's a natural thing to share and I don't see why she should ask for my permission - she's my mum."


Can you stop your parents sharing photos of you online? (via BBC)


爱沙尼亚塔尔图大学(University of Tartu)媒体研究领域的教授Andra Siibak就进行过多项关于“晒娃”行为的研究。

In one study involving Estonian children aged nine to 13, she found that children liked "parents sharing positive things about them", but that "there were big discrepancies between what children and parents considered to be nice photos".


"Children were not in favour of parents sharing unflattering visuals of them - for example, if their hair was messed up or they were wearing a dress they didn't actually like."


"In many contexts the parents would not consider those things to be a big problem, but for the pre-teens this could affect their self-image" or potentially lead to cyber-bullying.


Another potential risk from "sharenting" is "digital kidnapping", Prof Siibak says, where strangers take publicly available photos of children, and use them for fraudulent or sexual purposes. 


Can you stop your parents sharing photos of you online? (via BBC)



"Just having a simple discussion that involves children on what kind of photos they like, and if it's ok to upload them, helps build a better parent-child relationship."


Can you stop your parents sharing photos of you online? (via BBC)


A recent study by Nominet, which handles the UK's .uk domain name registry, found parents post nearly 200 photos of their under fives online every year.


This means that a child will feature in about 1,000 online photos before their fifth birthday.


This new norm means many children will have a powerful digital identity created by someone else.


This process can be likened to the manufacturing of celebrity identities, where parents can potentially shape the public persona of their child in any way they want: child genius, disobedient, fashionista, fussy eater and so on.


How do you think your own mum or dad might shape your online identity? Do you think it would be an accurate portrayal of who you are?


Social media: Think again before you post those pics of your kids (via abc.net.au)


The French Government earlier this year warned parents to stop posting images of their children on social media networks.


Under France's rigorous privacy laws, parents could face penalties of up to a year in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros if convicted of publicising intimate details of their children without their consent.


Social media: Think again before you post those pics of your kids (via abc.net.au)


(Via Quora)

@Lipa Dempsey

My parents would always do this, without my knowledge until years later when I got my own Facebook account. Because of this I became very camera shy, and resistant to letting my parents take pictures of me.


However, I do have some friends who didn’t mind when their parents posted pictures of them on Facebook. Depends on the individual, but I never liked it.


@Kieran Wong

My parents sometimes share my photos online. They aren't the oversharing kind, though. I don't really mind, as long as they show me the photo first and get my approval.


As long as my parents respect my wishes about whether the photo should be posted online or not, and that they don't post too many photos, I don't really matter. If I look okay in the picture, sure! If not, don’t post it.


Besides, when I see my parent’s social media accounts, I can see how much I've grown up and the things I did in the past, and other people’s comments as well.


你怎么看父母在社交媒体上的晒娃行为? 欢迎留言分享你的观点!

整合:Du Qiongfang

资料:BBC, abc.net.au, Quora

图/题图:Instagram, BBC, Quora



