

Du Qiongfang 环球时报GlobalTimes 2019-08-12

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当地一家脱衣舞俱乐部张贴的这则招聘广告中称,他们正在寻找全职妈妈(stay-at-home mothers),给她们提供赚外快的机会。

图 via independent.co.uk

The sign outside Kandi’s Gentlemen’s Club in Omaha, Neb., reads, “Fully nude girls! Stay at home moms earn extra cash! Apply inside!” 


According to KMTV 3 News Now, several people who live and work in the area say it’s “inappropriate” because children see it every day.

据KMTV 3 News Now报道,一些在该地区生活和工作的人表示,这则广告相当“不合适”,因为孩子们每天都能看到它。

Strip club under fire for 'distasteful' sign: 'Stay-at-home moms earn extra cash' (via yahoo.com)


"My son has seen this sign and he has asked, ‘Mom, why would moms go be naked? Why do they want naked moms?’” a resident said to the Omaha channel.


"The fact that it has fully nude girls, stay at home moms, my son can read that, he knows what nude means and it's just kind of terrible."


Strip club under fire for 'distasteful' sign: 'Stay-at-home moms earn extra cash' (via yahoo.com)

图 via KMTV

而据奥马哈市一位名叫Pete Festersen的议员说,这还不是这家俱乐部第一次张贴这种不合时宜的广告。

“They have posted a number of different signs outside the establishment and we have had city sign inspectors out several times to inspect the situation and several of them have since been removed,” he says.


“We have made the same request of this most current one and my understanding is he will be hearing from them tomorrow.”


Strip club under fire for 'distasteful' sign: 'Stay-at-home moms earn extra cash' (via yahoo.com)


图 via Facebook

However, in a Facebook post on Saturday, they shared a job listing that reads, “We did it wrong. Now we want to do it right. Kandi’s is looking to hire 25-30 dancers/entertainers, we want only the best,” adding “if you believe you are less than the best, then please pass us by.”


Strip club under fire for 'distasteful' sign: 'Stay-at-home moms earn extra cash' (via yahoo.com)


整合:Du Qiongfang


图/题图:independent.co.uk, KMTV, Facebook


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