美好的一天从微笑开启 A Wonderful Day Starts With a Smile
微笑是一种神奇的力量! 给自己和他人一个微笑,你会发现,全世界都是美好的,孩子们每天一个不经意的笑容都是和老师一份心意相通的传递。
每逢周一会看到幼儿园的礼仪小天使暖暖的微笑。他们用稚嫩的童音向来园的小朋友、老师、家长鞠躬问好, 如此简单、纯真、美好的感觉伴随着清晨的阳光融入每一个人心间。
Smile has magical power. Giving a smile to yourself and others, you will find of that, all the world becomes really beautiful. Every kid’s smile is a reflection of every teacher’s hard work.
Every Morning, you can see our loving angels smiling when you walk in the kindergarten. They will say hello and a friendly greeting to every child, teacher and parent. The simple, pure and beautiful feeling of the sunshine will fill up everyone’s heart.
Nice day starts with our morning physical activity. Look, you can see the child as they enjoy jumping, running and playing. Smiling faces, laughter appear everywhere.
Everyday we give a warm smile and a big hug to each child. We wish that every child at Shimen Experimental kindergarten would enjoy and share this happiness. A Wonderful Day Starts With a Smile.
Different paths, similar achievements!
Shimen Experimental Kindergarten is an modern and professional high quality kindergarten. In co-operation with IEC Education Limited Company and Shimen Education Company we are building a state-of-the-art education center, integrated fully with Shimen Primary school, with the ability to provide students with a full 9 years of education. With your support, the dream of going to the Shimen school can finally be realized.
Shimen Experimental Kindergarten covers 20 亩 (mu), and is located on the east side of Nanguo Peach Flower Garden. We have 22 classrooms, including a performance stage, playing room, science-magic room, digital library, robotics room, an outdoor exploration area, an international career experience room, and many other educational facilities, also including 28 standard classrooms with pianos. At Shimen children have the opportunity to directly experience nature and the sciences at an intimate level.
Welcome to Shimen Experimental Kindergarten!
Address: No. 68 Business Avenue, Songgang, ShiShan Nanhai District, Foshan City
Phone Number: 0757-81991818
Enrollment Number: 18169826237、18169875136
“Our Baby, Our Love”石门实验中学附属幼儿园家长见面会圆满结束
石门实验中学附属幼儿园开展Oraff Music、Tiny Robot等国际化课程体验,让小朋友感受不一样的教育!
“童趣時代·啟智未來”| 石門實驗中學附屬幼兒園親子繽Fun樂!