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2017-04-27 豆腐丝

奥地利插画家 Francesco Ciccolella 的作品广受 Guardian、The New York Times、Google、IBM 等知名媒体和品牌的青睐。


Google / Süddeutsche Zeitung Publishing
Facing Dataphobia

Guardian Weekend Magazine
How to stay happy when the news is bad

U&W Magazine
Reinventing Yourself

Diakonie Deutschland
A few from a series of illustrations for Diakonie Deutschland.

U&W Magazine
High Speed Society. A world obsessed with speed.

U&W Magazine
Worrying Solves Nothing

Chamber of Labour
A series of illustrations for the Austrian Chamber of Labour dealing with various sociopolitical topics.

U&W Magazine
The Balanced Mind

Google / Süddeutsche Zeitung Publishing
Failure Management

Welt am Sonntag
The Price of Populism

U&W Magazine
Everything Will be Alright

Thinking With The Hands
An ongoing series of drawings celebrating the act of drawing.

How Austria Fails to Integrate Asylum Seekers

The New York Times Upshot
The Downside of Merging Doctors and Hospitals

U&W Magazine
At a Loss for Words

Welt am Sonntag
Sexism in Politics

Penguin Random House / Crown Publishing
Design by Christopher Brand

U&W Magazine
How to be Self-Aware

U&W Magazine
A Closer Look at Mindfulness

Welt am Sonntag
Can Facebook make a chancellor? Fake News in Social Networks seem to have effectively influenced the US elections. Now German politicians start to worry.

U&W Magazine
About the Gap Between Rich and Poor

Fast Company
How the mobile industry constantly reinvents itself

U&W Magazine
In pursuit of enlightenment

Guardian Weekend Magazine 
‘It hits you over the head’: can I survive my midlife crisis?

U&W Magazine
How far will Europe shift to the right?

US Protectionism
Unpublished concept.

Metropole Magazine
Private Lives

U&W Magazine
The zen way to eat.

U&W Magazine
Worrying Solves Nothing

U&W Magazine
The Pursuit of Happiness

Enkelfähig Magazine
People Analytics
How employers collect data about their employees.

Financial Times Weekend Magazine
How the Mad men lost the plot. Social Media's threat to the ad industry.

Zeit Campus 
The Many Ways of Communication

Welt am Sonntag
When children in foster care get lost between their families.

Guardian Weekend Magazine 
All about my mothers.
One night 14 years ago, bored and on a whim, Abby Higgs went online to see if she could find her biological mother. Would her adoptive family understand?

Various illustrations.

Various illustrations.

Majedie Journal
On the contrary. Contrarian investing in practice.

Why Businesses Need Mediation. 
Illustration for a business mediator.

Lateral thinking
Personal series about the concept of lateral thinking.

An Incubator For Innovation

Guardian Weekend Magazine
How to Feel Less Busy at Work

U&W Magazine
Starting the day with Yoga

A personal series dealing with mass surveillance in the digital age. The 15 images were printed as postcards and exhibited in a number of exhibitions where visitors could take them away for free. Ironic observers may come to view the seemingly unsafe postcard as a safe alternative to e-mails.

Spike Jonze’s “her”
for Postcards to Alphaville

Secret 7"
Peter Gabriel – Sledgehammer
Sleeve for Secret 7 show at Somerset house London

Metropole Magazine
City of Spies
Vienna Confidential

Happy New Year
Holiday Animation

Baar Public Library

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