

2017-08-02 留学杂志




▌宏村 Hongcun Ancient Village

The 900-year-old village of Hongcun has long drawn in-the-know Chinese visitors, who love its tranquil vibe and distinctive architecture.有900年历史的宏村,长期以来吸引着懂行的中国游客,他们喜欢这儿的宁静的氛围和独具特色的建筑。

Walking the narrow lanes paved with quartzite and seeing farmers working in rice fields, with the reflection of ancient houses in the lake, should provide enough material to get you started on your own visual masterpiece.漫步于窄窄的石英岩路上,看着农民在稻田劳作,古朴的屋舍倒映湖中,眼前种种都为你提供了足够的素材,创作自己的视觉大片。

▌安徽省上榜的还有中外驰名的黄山(Mount Huangshan)


▌武夷山 Mount Wuyi

Bamboo raft drifting in the Nine Bend River (lower gorge) is a popular activity among visitors.乘竹筏漂在九曲湾上,是深受游客欢迎的项目。

The two-hour, eight-kilometer trips provide grand views of Mount Wuyi. It's the best way to take in the serene beauty of the smooth peaks and clear water.这段2小时、8千米的旅程可以欣赏武夷山壮丽的风景。这是领略耸峰和清水最好的方式。

▌福建省上榜的还有霞浦(Xiapu Mudflat),一片好风光。


▌鸣沙山和月牙泉 Echoing Sand Mountain and Crescent Lake

Echoing Sand Mountain is a series of dunes surrounding Crescent Lake. Named for its distinctive shape and aural characteristics, its echoes can be heard as the wind blows over the dunes.鸣沙山由一系列绕着月牙泉的沙丘组成,得名于其独特的形状和音效特点。当风吹过沙丘时,便可听到回声。


▌开平碉楼Fortress Towers, Kaiping

Erected mostly in the early 20th century, the fortress towers at Kaiping were built by famously outbound Kaipingers, who brought home the many architectural styles they saw abroad, including Islamic, Roman and even ancient Greek.开平碉楼大部分是由著名的“海漂”开平人在20世纪早期建造的,他们把在国外看到的伊斯兰、罗马甚至是古希腊建筑风格带回了家乡。


▌阳朔 Yangshuo

Downtown is touristy. Visitors can rent bikes and head to the countryside to find a more calming scene: bamboo boats chugging along the river, fishermen setting out with cormorants, farmers toiling in fields with lush peaks soaring high above.城区中心很适合游客游玩,游客可以租一辆自行车,向乡下出发,寻一片更静谧的地方:竹筏沿着河流嘎吱作响,渔民带着鸬鹚动身,农民则在田野间辛勤劳作,郁郁葱葱的山峰耸立着。

贵州 Guizhou

▌黄果树瀑布 Huangguoshu Waterfall

The highest waterfall in Asia, majestic Huangguoshu "Yellow Fruit Tree" Waterfall plunges a dramatic 77.8 meters across a 101-meter-wide span.壮阔的黄果树瀑布为亚洲最高瀑布,落差有惊人的77.8米,宽幅达101米。

It's one of a handful of mammoth waterfalls in the world that's accessible for viewing from almost any angle -- from above, below, front, back, left or right. The best visiting season is June to August.它是世界上少数可以从多角度欣赏的瀑布。最佳游览时间是6月到8月。


▌南山海上观音像Guanyin Statue

Look beyond the beaches of Sanya to find the world's largest Guanyin statue, erected near Nanshan.从三亚海滩极目远眺,可以看到世界上最大的观音像,伫立在南山附近。

▌备受游客青睐的亚龙湾(Yalong Bay )也成功入选榜单。


▌承德避暑山庄Chengde Mountain Resort

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, this mountain resort was once a summer palace used by Qing Dynasty emperors on holiday.被列入世界文化遗产名录的承德避暑山庄曾是清代皇帝们消暑度假的夏宫。

Delicate gardens and a 70-meter pagoda remain. Lush grasslands, marvelous mountains and tranquil valleys still make it a cool place to avoid the heat.山庄内仍然保留着精致优雅的皇家园林和一座70米高的宝塔。繁茂的草地、巍峨的群山、宁静的峡谷风光让山庄至今仍不失为避暑胜地。


哈尔滨市圣索菲亚大教堂 Saint Sophia Cathedral, Harbin

The largest Orthodox church in East and Southeast Asia stands in China's most Russian-accented city, Harbin.远东地区最大的东正教教堂,坐落在中国最有俄罗斯风味的城市——哈尔滨。


▌龙潭大峡谷 Longtan Valley

This 12-kilometer, U-shaped valley marked by a stripe of purplish red quartz sandstone has earned the name, "The No.1 Valley of Narrow Gorges in China."龙潭大峡谷长12千米,这个U型峡谷因紫红色的石英砂岩条纹而著称,人称“中国第一峡谷。”

Its steep cliffs, lush vegetation and jagged valley attract sightseers from all over China陡峭险峻的悬崖、郁郁葱葱的植物、参差不齐的山谷吸引着来自全国各地的游客。


▌恩施大峡谷一柱香 One Incense Pillar, Enshi Canyon

This incense stick-shaped structure is 150 meters tall, but only four meters wide, making it incredible that it stands at all, let alone that it's survived several major earthquakes.这个好似一炷香形状的石柱高150米,但只有4米宽。但这样的形状不但立得住,还历经了几次地震都安然无恙,让人不可思议。

Local legend holds that the pillar is a piece of incense given by a deity to the ingenious Tujia people. The residents could light it in times of disaster and the deity would descend to help.当地的传说认为,一炷香是神仙赐予勤劳的土家儿女的,当他们遇到灾难,便可以点燃这柱香,神仙将下凡相助。



▌凤凰古城 Fenghuang

Every year, armies of young backpackers flock to the ancient town of Fenghuang for its rich Miao and Tujia ethnic culture.每年都有成群背包客前往凤凰古城,领略苗族和土家族的别样风情。

Many also come to pay homage to celebrated Chinese writer Shen Congwen (沈从文), whose novel "Frontier City" put the 1,300-year-old town in limelight.很多人也来凤凰向中国著名作家沈从文致敬,他的作品《边城》将这个有1300年历史的小县城推向大众视野。



▌响沙湾 Singing Sand Bay

Singing Sand Bay is a 110-meter-high dune, 50 kilometers from Baotou, a major city of Inner Mongolia autonomous region. Sliding off a 45-degree angle, the wind here is said to sing in soft whispers.响沙湾是一个110米高的沙丘,距内蒙古自治区的大城市包头50千米。响沙湾的沙丘倾斜45度角,那里的风声像是在浅吟低唱。


▌梵宫 Brahma Palace

Feng shui and Buddhism have deep influences on China. Both can be found at Brahma Palace.风水和佛教对中国都影响极深,这一点在江苏梵宫都能找到踪迹。

Beneath the foot of Little Lingshan Mountain, and near Taihu Lake and the 88-meter-tall Lingshan Giant Budda, the palace epitomizes Chinese feng shui -- it's surrounded by mountains and water, portending both good fortune and health.梵宫处于灵山脚下、临近太湖和88米高的灵山大佛。梵宫是中国风水的缩影,它山环水绕,预示着好运和健康。


▌庐山 Mount Lu

Upward of 1,500 famed painters and poets from various periods of ancient and modern China -- Li Bai of the Tang Dynasty and Xu Zhimo in 1920s, to name two -- have traveled here to be inspired by Lu. Masterpiece poems are engraved in calligraphy on the mountain cliffs.从古到今,不同时期的1500多位知名画家和诗人都曾以庐山作为灵感的来源。李白和徐志摩就是他们当中的两位。他们创作的诗歌被刻在庐山的峭壁上。



长白山天池 Heaven Lake, Changbai Mountain

The vodka-clear Heaven Lake is said to resemble a piece of jade surrounded by 16 peaks of the Changbai Mountain National Reserve. With an average depth of 204 meters, it's the deepest lake in China.长白山天池的水就像伏特加一样清澈,它像一块玉石,被长白山自然保护区的16座大山环抱。天池平均水深204米,是中国最深的湖。


▌本溪水洞 Benxi Water Cave

Exploding with color, the Benxi Water Cave was formed more than five million years ago. Today its main sections are a "drought cave" and a "water cave."五彩斑斓的本溪水洞形成于500万年前。如今,它的主体部分分为“旱洞”和“水洞”。

A dramatic array of stalagmites and stalactites are covered in vibrant greens, yellows and reds.水洞中林立着石笋和钟乳石,笼罩在瑰丽的绿、黄、红色中,千姿百态、光怪陆离。

▌辽宁同样入榜的还有金石滩(Golden Pebble Beach National Resort, Dalian)


▌沙湖 Sand Lake

Desert, water and reed mashes blend in this 80-square-kilometer area, which forms a unique geographic phenomenon called sand lake.在这片80平方千米广阔区域内,河流、沙漠、芦苇相互交织,形成了一个特殊的地理现象叫做“沙湖”。

More than 1 million migrating birds of various species stop over at this wetland in Ningxia twice a year (April-May, September-October).每年4月到5月、9月到10月,100多万只各种鸟类会迁徙到这片湿地上。


▌青海湖 Qinghai Lake

China's largest inland saltwater lake. This view is one of the great draws of Qinghai Province in China's far northwest every June and July.这是中国最大的内陆咸水湖,这片大好风光是每年六七月中国大西北的青海省最迷人的景点之一。

Few tourists make it to this part of China to enjoy this oil painting of a scene, not counting packs of mad cyclists who come for Tour de Qinghai Lake International Cycling Race every summer.除了每年夏季一群风风火火的自行车手会聚集到这里参加环青海湖国际公路自行车赛以外,鲜有游人跑到这里来欣赏这油画般的美景。


▌西安城墙 Xi'an City Wall

In addition to the world-renowned Great Wall, the city wall belonging to Xi'an, first constructed more than 2,000 years ago, also represents the power and wisdom of the Middle Kingdom in its ancient heyday.除却举世闻名的万里长城之外,始建于2000多年前的西安城墙,也代表着这个文明古国全盛时期劳动人民的智慧和力量。

What exists of the wall today are remains from 1370, when during the Ming Dynasty the fortification was 13.7 kilometers long, 12 meters high and between 15 to 18 meters wide. It now surrounds downtown Xi'an.现存的部分城墙建于1370年(明朝),城墙长13.7km、高12米、宽15-18米不等。城墙恰好环抱西安市区。

Spend three or four hours biking along the wall and you'll get great views of China's old capital city.骑上自行车,沿城墙跑上三四个小时,即可一睹这座伟大古城的风采。


▌青岛栈桥Trestle Bridge, Qingdao

As old as the city of Qingdao, the Trestle Bridge has sat astride the Yellow Sea since 1892 and has since become a symbol of the city.横卧于黄海之上的青岛栈桥和青岛市一样古老。栈桥自1892年建立以来一直是青岛市的标志。

Walking the 440-meter-long bridge is a great way to enjoy breezes coming off the sea.漫步于440米长的栈桥上,可以尽情享受迎面而来的海风。


▌壶口瀑布 Hukou Waterfall

As the largest waterfall on the Yellow River, and second largest in China, Hukou Waterfall is known around the country for once gracing the RMB 50 note.壶口瀑布是黄河上最大的瀑布,也是中国第二大瀑布,它因出现在50元人民币上而享誉中国。

At 20 meters high and 30 meters wide, the fall is located on the border of Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces. The May to October flood season is the best time to visit, when water flow and velocity increase, sometime swelling the fall into a 50-meter-wide spectacular scene.瀑布高20米,宽30米,位于山西省和陕西省的交界处。最佳游览时间为5至10月的汛期。此时,水量增大,流速激增,有时瀑布甚至拓宽至50米,尤为壮观。

▌山西省上榜的还有云冈石窟(Yungang Grottoes)


▌九寨沟 Jiuzhaigou

This massive lake is the crown jewel of Jiuzhaigou, a region full of stunning alpine lakes and waterfalls.九寨沟遍布高山湖泊和大小瀑布,而这片广阔的湖水是九寨沟的珍宝明珠。

The lake is filled with incredible water that changes color throughout the day and year. The color comes from the reflection of the surrounding landscape, as well as algae and calcified rocks at the bottom of the shallow lake. Autumn is the best time to visit, when the lake surface appears as a multihued painter's palette.这里的湖水一年四季变幻着斑斓色彩,那色彩来自周围山林的倒影,也来自浅浅湖底的水藻和钙化的岩石。秋天这里最美的季节,湖面宛如打翻了的颜料盘,五光十色。

▌四川省的海螺沟(Hailuogou Glacier National Park)也同样上榜,这里的冰川和温泉都很迷人。


▌布达拉宫 Potala Palace

This nine-story attraction stands 3,700 meters above sea level, making it the highest palace on the planet.这座九层宫殿伫立于海拔3700米的高原之上,是地球上地理位置最高的宫殿。


▌喀拉库勒湖Lake Karakul

Standing 3,600 meters above sea level on the Pamir Plateau, the glacier lake's water reflects the surrounding mountains like a huge mirror. Best time to go is May to October.喀拉库勒湖位于海拔3600米的帕米尔高原上,波平如镜的湖面,倒影着环湖群山的丽影,如诗如画。最佳旅游时间是五月到十月。

▌新疆令人沉醉的那拉提草原(Nalati Grassland) 也上榜。


香格里拉普达措国家公园 Pudacuo National Park, Shangri-la

Pudacuo is the first national park in China to meet the criteria set by The World Conservation Union.普达措是中国首个符合世界自然保护联盟保护标准的国家级公园。

More than 20% of the country's plant species and around one-third of its mammal and bird species call this wetland plateau home.这个湿地高原养育着中国超过20%的植物以及大约1/3的哺乳动物和鸟类。

Photographers especially love the area's many types of orchids and China's highly endangered black-necked cranes.摄影家们尤爱这里种类繁多的兰花和国家一级保护动物黑颈鹤。

▌云南上榜的还有大理的崇圣寺三塔(Three Pagodas)


▌云和梯田 Yunhe Rice Terrace

Literally meaning "peaceful clouds," Yunhe and its surrounding rice terraces have been home to farmers for at least 1,000 years.“云和”的字面意思是“祥和的云朵”。一千多年来,云和以及周边的梯田已经成为当地农民们赖以生存的家园。

Winding in a maze up mountainsides from 200 to 1,400 meters, individual terraces can be constructed of as many as 700 layers.层层迷宫似的梯田在海拔200-1400米不等的山峦里蜿蜒盘旋,最多可叠700层。

Rainy days are the best time to visit, when steam from evaporating river water floats through the terraces, creating a kind of agricultural dreamscape.阴雨天气最适于梯田观光,此时河水蒸发的雾气,笼罩在梯田上方,随风轻轻浮动,形成海市蜃楼般的农田美景。


▌千岛湖(Thousand Island Lake)

▌楠溪江(Nanxi River)




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