

双语君 留学杂志 2019-03-30





两年前的6月23日,英国人用一场浩浩荡荡的公投,正式决定与欧盟(European Union)分道扬镳。

当时,卡梅伦在Sky News电视直播座谈中,很压抑地对着台下一名提问的现场观众说:“退出欧盟,是一种自残行为。”



来源:Sky News

▲2018年6月23日,反脱欧抗议者聚集在伦敦的Pall Mall,准备前往议会广场。来源:BBC

“脱欧”(Brexit)这个词不只是近几年才进入大家视野的,早在2013年,英国时任首相戴维·卡梅伦(David Cameron)就提出了“脱欧”的概念。





时任英国首相戴维·卡梅伦 来源:Daily Express


Mr Cameron said he planned to renegotiate parts of the UK's relationship with Europe and put that changed membership package to the British people in an in-out referendum after the next general election, by the end of 2017.



Mr Cameron had been facing mounting pressure from within the Eurosceptic ranks of his own Conservative Party, and the UK Independence Party, which is unhappy with the current relationship between the UK and the European Union. For months now, the promise has been that these questions will all be answered in a big speech.



2015年5月8日,卡梅伦成功连任首相(serve for another term of office),英国女王也在19天后宣布了“欧盟公投法案”(EU Referendum Bill),正式确认了英国脱欧公投。这场被称作“Brexit”的风暴,从此拉开序幕。

2016.02.20 内阁确认公投日期

卡梅伦在欧盟峰会后召开内阁会议(Cabinet meeting),并且告诉英国民众:

“I will go to Parliament and propose that the British people decide our future in Europe through an in-out referendum on Thursday, 23 June.”




而在举行投票的前一个月,卡梅伦现身英国城市威特尼(Witney),他改变了自己的立场站在了“留欧”的一边,举行了“反脱欧集会”(anti-Brexit March)。


Britain is this morning heading out of the European Union after a historic referendum vote for “Out” stunned the world.


The ultra-narrow margin of victory of 52 percent to 48 percent left the nation split down the middle and triggered Prime Minister David Cameron’s resignation.


来源:Politico Europe



▼ 2017.03.29

Theresa May triggers Article 50, which starts the clock on the process of the UK leaving the EU after she became prime minister



英国首相特丽莎·梅签署确认英国离开欧盟的信函 来源:BBC

▼ 2017.06.26

Formal negotiations on withdrawal begin between the UK and the EU.


▼ 2017.12.15

The EU agrees to move on to the second phase of negotiations after an agreement is reached on the Brexit “divorce bill”, Irish border, and EU citizens' rights.



The UK and the EU take decisive steps in their negotiations. Agreements include dates for a transitional period after Brexit day, the status of EU citizens in the UK before and after that time, and a policy concerning fishing rights.



Brexit day – The UK will end its membership of the European Union at 11 pm local time and enter a transitional period.



The transitional period is due to end and the new economic and political relationship between the UK and the EU will begin.



英国与欧盟展开会谈 来源:Sky News



关键词 ❶


Article 50


《里斯本条约》第50条款 来源:路透社


It’s only 250 words long but it has instantly become the defining clause in a war of words between Britain and the EU.


Article 50 says: “Any member state may decide to withdraw from the union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.”


It gives the leaving country two years to negotiate an exit deal and once it's set in motion it can't be stopped except by unanimous consent of all member states.


No country had previously invoked article 50.




(旧称《废除条约草案》,Great Repeal Bill)

 来源:Open Europe

It's crunch time for the government's EU Withdrawal Bill - the bill that aims to ensure European law will no longer apply in the UK after Brexit.


All existing EU legislation will be copied across into domestic UK law to ensure a smooth transition on the day after Brexit.




关键词 ❸


Single Market

2017年9月22日,特丽莎·梅就单一市场与关税同盟问题发表讲话 来源:法新社

The European Union's single market is perhaps the most ambitious type of trade cooperation because, in addition to eliminating tariffs, quotas, or taxes on trade, it also includes the free movement of goods, services, capital, and people.


A single market strives to remove so-called "non-tariff barriers" - different rules on packaging, safety, and standards – and many other rules are also abolished with common rules and regulations applying across the area.

单一市场力图消除“非关税壁垒” ——关于包装、安全和标准的不同规定,也有许多其他规定被废除,它让整个领域都适用相同的规则和条例。



Customs Union

The EU is not only a single market - it is also a customs union. 


The countries have clubbed together and agreed to apply the same tariffs to goods that originate outside the union.


Once goods have cleared customs in one country, they can be shipped to others in the union without further tariffs being imposed.




➤ 脱欧对于英国和欧洲意味着什么?

Critics of Brexit say the UK deciding to go off on its own could create widespread job losses and economic uncertainty. Those advocating Brexit say breaking free will mean the nation can reduce taxes paid by its citizens and reduce the burden of immigration.


The EU is Great Britain’s largest trading partner. When the UK leaves the 28-nation partnership, its businesses may find they have far greater freedom to trade with companies around the world. However, if enterprises in the new EU are reluctant to do business with British firms, the UK companies could face substantial headwinds.


Many international companies seem to be erring on the side of caution and drawing up plans to relocate away from the UK and into mainland Europe.


err on the side of caution:宁求稳妥,不愿涉险

Morgan Stanley has confirmed it is moving up to 10 percent of its United Kingdom workforce, and Goldman Sachs has also shown signs of having itchy feet, gradually increasing its presence in mainland Europe.


摩根士丹利位于伦敦Canary Wharf的总部 来源:Financial News

Tarek Al-Wazir, the economy minister for the state of Hesse in Germany, is confident many companies will relocate to Hamburg.

德国黑森州(德国金融之都法兰克福所在地)的经济部长Tarek Al-Wazir坦言,他相信将会有很多公司搬到汉堡。

➤ 脱欧对于中国意味着什么?

Early in 2018, Xinhua news service reported that Britain was China’s second-largest trading partner within the EU and that China was Britain’s second-largest non-EU trading partner.


Tony Samuels, a solicitor and notary public in the city of London, who has worked closely with many of China’s leading financial institutions, told China Daily that, in a turbulent world, the ability to take a broad view, and stability, are two key elements to ensure security. He said these factors make Brexit an opportunity for Sino-British ties to become stronger than ever.

Tony Samuels是伦敦的一名律师和公证人,他与许多中国金融机构都有密切的合作,他告诉中国日报,在这个动荡的世界里,能够有更宽广的视野和更确切的稳定性,是保障安全的两个关键因素。这些都是使英国脱欧成为中英关系发展更加密切的因素。

“With or without Brexit, Shanghai deals more with London than anywhere else in the world, so pre- or post-Brexit, China is crucial to our trade going forward. The EU and USA are our main trading partners at the moment, but my guess is that in 15 or so years, China might overtake them both.”



“China is going to be a major player here and vice-versa.”


“I think Britain will have a specific trade agreement with China, especially in finance and technology.”


“That’s what I’d like to see, a specific agreement with China that works for both countries for many years to come.”



  1. win or go home?

Messi scored an exquisite 14th-minute goal to give the two-time champions the lead in a must-win game against Nigeria.


2.Is dating too expensive?谈恋爱要花很多钱吗?

微博上一个话题引来网友热议,“男朋友月薪5000能养活你吗?”,街采对象纷纷就“Is dating too expensive?"(谈恋爱要花很多钱吗?)展开讨论。

3.个人所得税法individual income tax law

A draft amendment to the individual income tax law has been submitted for a first reading at a bimonthly session of the National People's Congress Standing Committee. Specific personal income tax changes that aim to reduce taxpayer burdens and boost consumption are expected after the proposed changes receive regulatory approval.


The draft amendment raises the threshold for personal income tax from 3,500 yuan to 5,000 yuan per month, or 60,000 yuan per year.


4.中国农民丰收节Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival

Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival, the first in China created specially for farmers, reflects the high priority the central government places on agriculture, rural areas and rural people, as well as its determination to see a thriving agricultural industry, beautiful countryside and well-off farmers.


5.超级高铁super high-speed train

At the World Transport Convention 2018 held in Beijing on Tuesday, chief professor of Southwest Jiaotong University Zhang Weihua told the media that China is exploring super high-speed trains that can travel at 1,500 kilometers per hour.


6.第一宝宝First Baby

New Zealand welcomes First Baby, as Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has given birth to her first child, a "healthy baby girl". Ardern becomes the first female head of government in nearly 30 years to have a child while in office.


7.中央调剂制度central adjustment system

China will establish a central adjustment system for basic pension funds of enterprise employees to balance payment burdens of local governments, according to an official document.


8.创意毕业照 arc-shaped group photo

So far, a super arc-shaped group photo of around 2,200 students from 40 classes in a local high school in east China’s Anhui province marked one of the most eye-catching works. 


It’s said that it took the photographer almost 30 seconds to take the panoramic picture with a special device, making sure everyone from both sides of the semicircle can be seen in the frame.






