
What will be the changes in life in the UK after the unseal?

呆西 留学杂志 2022-06-17




The World Health Organization (who) recently issued a warning that the transmission capacity of Delta mutant virus is increasing, while the British government announced the plan to completely unseal on the 5th of this month.

On the 5th local time, the British government announced the 'fourth step' plan to unseal England, including 'removing masks' in most public places such as shops, canceling social distance, and canceling home work guidance regulations. If the epidemic situation meets the assessment criteria, the UK will begin to implement a comprehensive unseal on the July 19, and the British government will make a final decision on the 12th. 

The announcement has aroused widespread doubts


In terms of epidemic data, 28773 COVID-19 positive cases were added in the UK on July 6, with the number of 37 dead. A total of 4958868 positive cases and 128268 deaths occurred in the UK. In the face of so many new cases every day, the announcement of unseal has aroused widespread doubts in all walks of life. 

The British Minister of the Health believes that life can not be full of thinking about COVID-19. After Boris announced that the UK would be released on July 19, the next day, the Health Minister, Javied, who was just in office, told the media,We can't live in a world full of COVID-19, 'without considering other health problems, without considering economic problems and educational challenges.'

Javied noted that during the outbreak, British society had accumulated many other health problems, and about 7 million people were unable to seek help from NHS on health issues caused by other diseases.

'it doesn't mean we we're not concerned about COVID-19 deaths or that there will be no new variants in the future,' Mr. javied said, but the UK must make the most of the effectiveness of the vaccine and learn to live with the virus.

Neil Ferguson, a professor at Imperial College of technology, express to the media, he was optimistic about Boris's 'gambling' decision to unseal. But he also stressed that policies must remain 'flexible.'

What will be the changes in life in the UK after being unsealed


Full vaccinated passengers will not need to be quarantined after entering the UK

According to the Times, the Boris government will, from July 19, exempt the 10 day home quarantine requirement for fully vaccinated passengers entering from the Yellow list countries.

Besides,according to the Telegraph on the 7th, London Heathrow airport, together with British Airways and Virgin Airlines, will set up a rapid entry channel for passengers who have been fully vaccinated with the two doses of vaccine from the end of this week.

At that time, passengers can upload the electronic version of the vaccine certificate before boarding and show it to the staff at the time of entry, so they can be arranged to use the fast track.

Later this week, the UK Department of transport will update the list of countries in the overseas travel traffic light system.

Those who have received two shots of the vaccine and the close contacts under the age of 18 will not need to be quarantined

According to the latest data, the vaccine program has saved 27000 British lives and prevented 7 million infections. Two doses of the vaccine can reduce the probability of symptomatic infections by about 80%, the British Health Secretary said.

As a result, he announced that from August 16, people who have received two full doses of the vaccine, as well as those under the age of 18, will not need to isolate themselves.

However, people vaccinated with two doses of the vaccine still need to isolate themselves for 10 days if the virus test is positive.

The school bubbles to end in England,only those who test positive need to be quarantined

British Education Secretary Williamson also announced on July 6 that the new "campus bubble" system will be abolished from August 16. Instead of quarantine, the students who are the close contacts will be advised to accept PCR nucleic acid detection. Only those who test positive need to quarantined themselves.

According to statistics, in June, the number of students absent from classes due to the COVID-19 in the UK increased fourfold, but only about 4% of the students were diagnosed, and the vast majority of students were absent because they needed to be isolated after contacting the diagnosed students.

Williamson said the current practice is damaging the education of many children and therefore needs to be abolished.

来源:第一财经、BBC News、泰晤士报、中国环球电视网等图片源自网络,如侵删。

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