广州番禺作为粤港澳大湾区的首个优质生活示范区,宜居宜业宜游的城市空间正推动着广州的全面发展。近日,Aedas执行董事李志浩带领团队赢得了位于番禺CBD的中国铁建华南总部大厦竞赛,以高低错落的建筑刷新天际线。Located in the heart of the Greater Bay Area, the rapid urban development of Panyu has significantly facilitated the development of Guangzhou. Recently, Aedas has won China Railway Construction Corporation (CRCC) South China Headquarters Building Design Competition, lighting up the skyline in Panyu CBD.项目由两座分别250米及200米高的办公塔楼和商业街组成,将为片区提供240,000平方米的办公空间以及23,000平方米的商业空间。两座塔楼设置在地块对角线上,商业裙楼则沿公共通道对称设置,中间形成一条室外商业街。The headquarters building comprises of a retail podium and two office towers of 250m and 200m tall, providing 240,000 sq m office space and 23,000 sq m retail space to the region. Two office towers are in diagonally opposite corners, sitting on the retail podiums divided by a public passage.兼具企业形象与在地性的塔楼Towers with corporate image and sense of place设计从与中铁建息息相关的铁轨以及番禺当地的莲花山石中汲取灵感,以犹如山石高低错落的建筑轮廓,搭配简洁有机的立面,用双轨线条寓意着前行的铁轨,反映企业形象且兼具在地性。办公塔楼采用高效的楼层规划,将使用空间最大化。转换大堂设有空中休息厅,访客可在休闲小憩中尽览城市美景,并配备了会所及泳池等高品质配套设施,满足各类需求。双中庭的设计带来宜人的到达体验,营造出现代且具互动性的工作场所。Inspired by the double-railway physical form and Guangzhou Lotus Hill topology, the façade integrates those characteristics and creates a sinuous organic pattern. The office tower design provides efficient floor plans and maximises the use of space. A sky lounge located on transfer lobby floor provides unique leisure experience and splendid cityscape views, complementing with high-quality amenities as in clubhouse and swimming pool. A double-height atrium redefines the class of modern office, creating a contemporary and interactive workplace.设计通过一条视觉通廊无缝连接入口广场以及地铁站,将新鲜空气和绿色植被融入到商业裙楼的不同楼层之中,形成充满活力的街区式商业。同时,设计通过户外平台和屋顶花园打造健康、自然的工作场所,营造出生活-工作相平衡的环境氛围。The design creates a vibrant living atmosphere by integrating greening features and outdoor space onto the retail podium. A visual corridor that connects the entrance plaza and metro station along with the outdoor decks and roof gardens will make it a natural workplace promoting work-life balance.办公塔楼下方充满活力的街区式商业Vibrant retail street underneath office towers中国铁建华南总部大厦项目旨在成为番禺CBD全新的高端商务综合体,通过高端的办公空间及与其相连的零售商业,打造区域标杆,一同推动广州的城市发展。The CRCC South China Headquarters Building is to become a new high-end commercial destination in Panyu, strengthening the development of Guangzhou with high-end office spaces and interconnected retail components.
位置:中国广州设计及项目建筑师:Aedas,广州市设计院业主:中铁建投(广州)发展有限公司建筑面积:263,815平方米竣工年份:进行中Aedas主要设计人:李志浩,执行董事 Location: Guangzhou, ChinaClient: China Railway Construction Corporation (Guangzhou) LimitedDesign and Project Architect: Aedas, GZDIGross Floor Area: 263,815 sq mYear of Completion: On-goingDesign Directors: Dimi Lee, Executive Director