
【王补平资料】外研版七年级下册英语期末复习知识点整理MODULE 5—9

2017-06-18 王补平

MODULE 5 Shopping

1. clothes shop                                   服装店

2. half price                                      半价

3. try on                                         试穿

4. shop worker                                    店员

5. too much                                      太多

6. Mothers Day                                 母亲节

7. wait a minute                                   等一下

8. pay for                                        付钱

9. change ones life                        改变一个人的生活

10. go out                                        出去

11. online shopping                                网上购物

12. one day                                      一天

13. no one                                       没有人

14. at any time                               在任何时候

15. because of                                    由于

16. the price of                            …….的价格

17. one of                               …….中的一个

18. save money                                   省钱

19. and so on                                     等等

20. shopping list                                   购物单


1.What can I do for you?                 我能帮你做些什么?

2.I'd like to buy a T-shirt for my mum.     我想为我妈妈买件T恤衫。

3.Can I help you ?                      我能帮你吗?

4.There's a sale on today .Everything is half price.


5.What colour does she like?               她喜欢什么颜色?

6.What size does she take ?                    她穿多大码?

7.May I try it on? Certainly.        我能试穿一下吗?当然可以。

8.I'll take it .                               我买它了!

9. I'd like some sausages.                     我想买些香肠。

10.How much are they ?                     多少钱?

11.What else would you like ?               你还想要些什么?

12.Here's fifty-nine yuan.                    这是59元。

13.There are many new ways of shopping, and onlineshopping is one of them .


14.Then you receive it a few days later by post .


15.Online shopping has several advantages.

First,….Second, ….Third,….

网上购物有几个优点。首先,  其次,  再次,

16.Shopping usually takes a lot of time.


17.But to shop on the Internet you only need a computer and a



18.But many people like going out and shopping withfriends.


19.Also paying over the Internet isn't always safe.


20.Online shopping is changing our way of life .


21.One day no one will go to the shops any more,because you'll be able to buy anything on the Internet ,and you will be ableto receive it anywhere in the world at any time!



MODULE 6 Around Town

1. get to                                到达

2. on the left                             在左边

3. in front of                             在…的前面

4. near here                              在这附近

5. the way to                             去…的路

6. over there                              在那里

7. turn left                               向左转

8. take the underground                     乘地铁

9. get off                                 下车

10. begin with                             以…开始

11. the middle of                         ……的中间

12. from home to school                    从家到学校

13. on the map                            在地图上

14. on a clear day                          在晴朗的一天

15. next to                                紧挨着

16. post office                              邮局

17. at the cinema                           在电影院

18. at the end of the street                    在路的尽头

19. bus stop                               公共汽车站


1.Betty and Lingling are standing in front of Tian'anmen Square.


2.Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie?


3.Could you tell me how to get to the NationalStadium?


4.Go across Dong Chang’an Jie, go along the street and turn left at thethird street on the left.



5.Is there a bookshop near here?   这附近有书店吗? 

6.How can Iget there? 怎么才能到达呢?

7.Why not ask the policeman over there?


8.Take the Underground to the Olympic Sports Centre, or you can take abus or a taxi.沿着着这条街走,你会看见一个地铁站,坐地铁到奥体中心,你也可以坐公共汽车或打车去。

9.Have a nice day!祝你玩的愉快!

10.Welcome to this short tour of London.欢迎参加伦敦短程游。

11.We’re standing opposite the National Gallery, afamous museum with lots of famous paintings.我们现在站在国家美术馆——一个藏有许多名画的博物馆——的对面。

12.The Queen lives there. (英国)女王就住在这里。       

 I live in Liaocheng. 我住在聊城。)

13.It takes you 135 metres above the River Thames.


14.You can see most of London on a clear day.


15.When you are tired, the best way to see London is by boat.


16.As you go along the river, the London Eye is onyour right.


17.It’s over 900 years old. 它已有九百多年的历史。

18.After visiting the Tower of London,take the boat back along the river to the railway station.


19.You’re now back at the square. And this is wherewe’ll finish our tour.你现在又回到了处罚的地方——(特勒法尔加)广场,在这里我们将结束我们的伦敦游。

MODULE 7 My Past Life

1. primary school              小学

2. the name of …              ……的名字

3. be born                    出生于

4. in England                 在英格兰

5. in Shanxi Province           在山西省

6. quite difficult               非常难管

7. on the east coast of America    在美国东海岸

8. twelve years ago              12年前

9. lots of things to do           许多事情要做

10. last year                    去年

11. last weekend                 上周末

12. fromto                   从…到…


1. Where were you born?       你在哪里出生?

2 I was born in…              我出生在……

3 What was the name of the village? 那个村庄叫什么?

4 What was the name of your first school?


5 Who was your first teacher?  你的第一位老师是谁?

6 She was very friendly.       她非常友好。

7 Who were your first friends?你最早的朋友是谁呢?

8 He was quite difficult.      他很难管。 

9 What werethey like?        他们当时是怎样的?

10 What were you like?       你当时是怎样的?

11 There were lots of things to do in Quincy.在昆西有很多事情可以做。

12 I was very happy there.              我在那里非常快乐。 

13 There was a big living room with a TV, a kitchen, abathroom and three bedrooms.我们的房子又大又舒服,有一间大的起居室,里面有一台电视机,还有一间厨房,一个卫生间和三间卧室。

14 On my bedroom walls there were pictures of myfavourite movie stars.在我卧室的墙壁上,贴有我最喜欢的影星的图片。

15 Behind the house, there was a big garden with lotsof trees and there was a small lake with fish in it. It was great to playthere.房子后面有一个大花园,花园里有很多树,还有一个小湖里面有鱼。在那里玩耍真开心。

16 Many of them were my friends.他们中很多都是我的朋友。

17 I was there for the last time in 2010.我最近一次住在那里是在2010年。

18 One day I’ll go back, and I’m looking forward toseeing my friends again.将来有一天我还会回去的,我盼望着在见到我的朋友!


MODULE 8 Story Time 

1. once upon a time                  从前

2. in the forest                      在森林里

3. look into                        向…里面看去

4. knock on the door                 敲门

5. a girl with hair of gold             一个留着金色头发的女孩

6. push the door                    推开门

7. go for a walk                    去散步

8. pick up                         捡起,拾起

9. pick some flowers                摘一些花

10. look around                    环视,四下张望

11. in pieces                       破碎

12. at first                        首先,最初

13. sit down                       坐下

14. point at                        指着

15. walk into the bedroom               走进卧室

16. jump out of bed                    跳下床

17. be asleep                          睡着

18. go home                          回家

19. change into                        变成…

20. again and again                    一遍又一遍

21. around the world                   全世界

22. begin with                        以…开始


1 All alone in the dark dark forest, Goldilocks pickedsome flowers.金凤花姑娘独自走进了阴暗的森林里,摘了一些花。

2 And soon she was lost.不久她迷路了。

3 Then she noticed a little house, so she hurriedtowards it, and knocked on the door.


4 Nobody answered, so she knocked again, and again.


5 It was open.There was nobody there.门开了,里面没人。

6 On a table there were three bowls with some nicefood in them.


7 The little bowl was just right. She finished all the food in it.小碗里的正好,她把小碗里的东西全吃光了。

8 First she tried the big chair, but wasn’tcomfortable. 首先,她试着坐在那个大椅子上,但不太舒服。

9 It was not comfortable either.   也不舒服。

10 Soon the chair was in pieces.那把椅子一会儿就散架了。

11 Very soon she was asleep in it. 很快她就在小床上睡着了。

12 There’s nothing in my bowl. 我的碗空了。

13 He wasn’t very happy!     他很不高兴。

14 Then Baby Bear pointed at the little girl in hisbed.小熊指了指他床上的小女孩。

15 Goldilocks jumped out of bed and hurried out of thehouse without her basket.金凤花姑娘从床上跳了下来,也顾不上提篮子,便冲出了房间。


MODULE 9   LifeHistory

1. at the age of                 在…岁时

2. Spring Festive                春节

3. Teachers Day               教师节

4. be different from              与…不同

5. Womens Day               妇女节

6. find out                     发现

7. National Day                 国庆节

8. on the Internet                在网上

9. Children’s Day               儿童节

10. as well                      

11. New Year’s Day               新年

12. leave school                  离开学校

13.May Day \Labour Day          劳动节

14. in many other language          用许多其他的语言

15. half an hour                   半小时

16. half past five                  五点半

17. be worth doing                 值得做

18. get married                    结婚


1 I’m writingabout him for my English class.


2 We can findout about him on the Internet.


3 He left school and began work at the age of 12.


4 What did he do?     他做过什么?

5 I don’t know the exact date.我不知道确切的时间。

6 But he took the name Mark Twain and becamevery famous in the 1860s.


7 Like many people four hundred years ago,Shakespeare’s parents didn’t learn to read or write.


8 At school he liked plays, so he decided to be anactor when he finished school at 14. 在他14岁毕业的时候,他决定成为一名演员。

9 He became a successfulactor and began to write plays.


10 You can visit the theatre today, but it isn’t thesame building.今天你还可以去参观那个剧院,不在已是当年那个建筑了。

11 There was a fire in the old theatre.   老剧院发生过火灾

12 William Shakespeare died at the age of 52.威廉·莎士比亚52岁去世。

13 You can still see his plays in English and in many the languages. 你现在依然可以看见他的戏剧以英文和其他许多语言在演出。

14 He’s famous around the world.    他举世闻名。



