
Vitomira Loncar教授:欢迎来到充满创造性、美好共鸣的欧亚

Vitomira Loncar 西安欧亚学院 2021-11-09

▲Vitomira Loncar教授在2017级新生开学典礼上致辞

Welcoming speech

to the new students of Eurasia University



Dear our new students, dear future creators of the future of the city of Xi'an and whole of China.


Welcome to the best private University in Xi'an!


Today is the second most important day in your lives.


The first is, certainly, the day you were born, and when you have brought your parents the greatest joy in the world.


Today is the day when you become responsible for your own life; the day when you determine your future.


We, your teachers and professors, we lookforward to welcoming you on Eurasia with the excitement and belief that youwill already from the first day understand that we are all here for you, to provide you with support whenever you need it, to encourage you on learning anddiscovery of the world that surrounds you and help you in the decisions of where and how to direct your life.


It's a big change in your lives and,believe me, it will not always be easy. Every change brings problems, which is the reason why people do not like changes. But if you will be open to the change,proactive and willing to confront the change through learning each and every day, you will be successful on a personal level, in your company's future and in your private life. With this attitude you will also give big contribution to China in the future becomes even stronger and stronger.


You are the ones who will, through constant work and dedication,create our future too. This you canachieve only through everyday work and lifelong learning.


Do not let one single day in your lives to pass without formal and informal learning. Learning makes us better people, more successful, more content and therefore happier.


Raise your head of the cell phones and computers, have a look at this inspiring campus, our library filled with books that are all waiting for you, look at the left and right of yourself to your future colleagues, to Professors, and start, without fear – a new life–adventure!


Set the goals you want to achieve, because,as the saying goes, if you don't go for your own goals, others will harness you to achieve theirs.


Don't be afraid of the challenges that willshow up in your lives starting from today. Celebrate them ready because,remember the old saying, who decides for the easy solution, it will havea hard life, and who opt for more difficult solutions, will have an easy life.


Therefore, do not be afraid!Move on!


Eurasia is a place that will allow you to reach your goals and become successful and accomplished people. The fact thatas many as 98 percent of our students found a job immediately after the end ofthe studies can testify it.


And at the end, let me tell you a story from faraway Africa: – Every morning a gazelle wakes up, aware that it must runfaster than the fastest lion if it wants to survive that day. Every morning alion wakes up and, aware that it must run faster than the slowest gazelle if itwants to catch the prey and survive that day. So, as soon as they wake up, they both have to – start running. The same fate waits all of you and all of us:from tomorrow morning, we've got to run to survive in a competitive world. The good news is that your creativity can serve as the best running shoes in which we will become elusive, or we will develop the ability to catch anyone who wants to help us.


Welcome to Eurasia, a place of creativity,good vibrations and support.


Welcome to the University that is ready to achieve your personal future and the future of the whole of China.


演讲嘉宾 | Vitomira Loncar 教授

图片 | 孙寅鑫 韩东伦

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