Patty Chang 张怡| 游移湖 The Wandering Lake 2009-2017@ICA, LA洛杉矶当代美术馆
游移湖 The Wandering Lake 2009-2017 @ICA, LA洛杉矶当代美术馆
展期 Duration: 2019年3月17日-8月3日 17th March - 03rd August,2019
地点 Venue: 洛杉矶当代美术馆 Institute of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (ICA, LA)
艺术家 Artist: 张怡 Patty Chang
We are happy to announce that artist Patty Chang’s “The Wandering Lake, 2009–2017” is on view at Institute of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, from March 17, 2019. Patty Chang is an interdisciplinary artist working in performance, video and installation. She has exhibited internationally at institutions such as the MOMA in New York; the New Museum in New York; the Hammer Museum in LA; the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago; the Hamburg Kunstverein in Hamburg, Germany; and the Moderna Museet in Stockholm, Sweden. In 2009 she was named the Guna S. Mundheim Fellow of Visual Arts at the American Academy in Berlin and she is a 2014 recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship.
我们荣幸宣布艺术家张怡的“游移湖,2009-2017”项目于2019年3月17日在洛杉矶当代美术馆(ICA, LA)展出。张怡是一个以表演、录像和装置为创作形式的跨学科艺术家。她曾展出于纽约现代美术馆、纽约新美术馆、加州大学汉莫美术馆、芝加哥当代艺术博物馆、德国汉堡艺术协会和瑞典斯德哥尔摩现代美术馆等。2009年,她获得了柏林美国研究院的视觉艺术奖学金,同时她也是2014年的古根海姆奖学金获得者。
An installation view of “Invocation for a Wandering Lake, Part I” (2015), at the Queens Museum. The video shows the artist Patty Chang sponging down a dead whale. ©Hai Zhang/Queens Museum
The Wandering Lake is a personal, associate, narrative meditation on mourning, caregiving, geopolitics and landscape. The Wandering Lake project continues Chang’s interest in cultural imaginaries. In this work, she has returned to an interest in her body as performer and the embodiment of site through performance. It uses water as a medium of politics and poetics. The project is inspired by the book The Wandering Lake by Sven Hedin. At the turn of the 20th century, Swedish explorer Hedin was commissioned by the Chinese government to find a modern silk road, or a route through the deserts of western China accessible by car. Simultaneously, he documented his journey to find and map The Wandering Lake had mysteriously disappeared from its original location and had been mismapped and lost before being found in different place. Chang is interested in how when a geographical body shifts positions, it displaces and calls into question the systems and the identities built up around it. It moves her to think about how unstable landscape can mirror and rupture our sense of reality, place, and self.
About A Wandering Lake
Queens Museum, NY 皇后美术馆,纽约
A Wandering Lake, 2009-2017
= Excerpt from A Bold Explorer Surfaces in ‘Wandering Lake’ by Nancy Princenthal in The New York Times
= 节选自《浮现于“游移湖”中的大胆探险者》作者:Nancy Princenthal 《纽约时报》
在这个迄今为止艺术家最为大型的个展上,张怡向观众展示了一个跨学科的综合呈现,以众多新近创作重构了艺术家早年间对于身份认知及其游移边界的研究。于皇后美术馆的此次展览“游移湖2009-2017”将焦点从艺术家的身体上转移开来,投射到了一个不断迁移的水体上,并借此隐喻性别流动性和以太网热潮乃至气候变化和人类移居等议题,整体呈现引人入胜且感人至深。由Hitomi Iwasaki策划,展览谈及了一名孩子的诞生和一位父亲的逝去,以及更多全球性的消亡——语言、文化乃至参与塑造了这些内容的地理特征。一个贯穿始终、时而难以捉摸却强大有力的主题则为物质和精神层面上的不稳定性,以及跨越了作品间边界的意义。
For this eagerly awaited exhibition, her largest to date, Ms. Chang has created an integrated, multidisciplinary installation of mostly new work that reframes her early investigations of identity and its straying boundaries. Engrossing and deeply moving, “The Wandering Lake 2009-2017,” at the Queens Museum, mostly shifts attention away from the artist’s body, relying on moving water as a metaphor for concerns ranging from gender fluidity and internet surfing to climate change and migration. Curated by Hitomi Iwasaki, the show touches on a child’s birth and a father’s death, as well as more global losses — of languages, cultures and even the geographical features that shape them. A running theme, sometimes elusive but potent nonetheless, is material and psychological instability, and meaning that spills the boundaries of individual works.
Shanghai 11th Biennale 上海第11届双年展
A Wandering Lake, 2009-2017
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