
BANK | 网络展览 Online Show | 纯美 PURE BEAUTY | 第二回 Chap II. 经典/反经典


 线上展览 Online Show


2020.02.14- forever


Show Room Opens on Every Tue, Thur, Sat


This exhibition presents an imaginary space where the ideal of ‘pure beauty’ is expressed in four distinct chapters. 

第二章节 “经典/反经典” 探讨了历史上以人为核心的、复杂的(西方)美学观念。艺术家们通过绘画、雕塑、摄影等多种形式,对美的概念进行引用、批评和解构,塑造着他们理想的经典与反经典。

Chapter two, Classic/Anti Classic quotes, critiques, and deconstructs the now convoluted notion of classical (Western) beauty with the human figure at its core. 

 The la joconde, 2015

布面喷绘丙烯 Flahes acrylic on board 

122 x 91 厘米cm  

奥斯汀·李(1983年出生)工作生活于纽约。他从泰勒艺术学院获得学士学位,耶鲁大学艺术学院获得硕士学位。此后他在美国和欧洲数次举办个展。他将于2020年北京M WOODS美术馆举办个展。作品也曾展出于伦敦泰特现代美术馆,温哥华美术馆由村上隆策展的“Juxtapoz x Superflat”展览。他的创作曾被村上隆,彼得·索尔和玛丽莲·明特等艺术家钦点、受邀参展,被 Art in America,ARTnews,纽约时报,艺术界,Time Out 纽约和伦敦,纽约观察者,Hyperallergic,Black Book,Kaleidoscope Magazine,旁观者,以及 Rhizome报道。 

Austin Lee (b.1983) lives and works in New York. He received an MFA in Painting from Yale School of Art and a BFA from Tyler School of Art. He has since staged several solo exhibitions in the US and Europe. He'll have his first solo show at M WOODS, Beijing 2020. His works have been showcased at the Tate Modern, London, Juxtapoz x Superflat curated by Takeshi Murakami at Vancouver Art Gallery. His work has been championed and curated by artists like Takeshi Murakami, Peter Saul and Marylin Minter and written about in Art in America, ARTnews, New York Magazine, Leap, Time Out New York and London, The NY Observer, Hyperallergic, Black Book, Kaleidoscope Magazine, The Spectator, and Rhizome.

 Imaginary installation shot 想象中的💭的空间图

公主 Princess, 2019 

布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas

100 x 80 x 2 cm

孙一钿,1991年生于中国浙江,15岁考入中央美术学院附中,2018年毕业于中央美术学院油画系,作品被纽约大都会馆,柏林狮子行宫,余德耀美术馆,澳门艺术博物馆等国内各大机构展示收藏,并被乌里·希克及其他私人藏家收藏。2019 年入选福布斯30岁以下亚洲杰出青年。其作品涉及绘画,装置,行为,时装跨界,获得广泛关注。孙一钿现工作和生活于北京。

Sun Yitian (b. 1991 in Zhejiang, China) was admitted to Middle School Affiliated to China Central Academy of Fine Arts at the age of 15. She graduated from the department of painting, China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2018 while her practice spans across painting, installation, performance and fashion. Her works have been exhibited internationally at such venues as The Metropolitan Pavilion, NY; Macau Museum of Art; Lion Palias, Berlin; Luo Zhongli Art Museum, Chongqing; Temple University Museum, NY and the CAFA Museum, Beijing. Her work is in the collection of Uli Sigg. Sun Yitian works and lives in Beijing. 

 Installation shot of Yitian's solo project at BANK Booth in Westbund 2019

一钿个人项目展览现场 BANK展位@西岸艺术与设计博览会2019


 超级英雄 2- 珍珠,  Super Hero2- Pearl , 2016

布面油画 Oil on canvas,

140 x 160 厘米cm  


耿旖旎(1982年出生于沈阳)毕业于沈阳鲁迅美术学院,现工作生活于辽宁沈阳。她分别于2013和2015年在BANK举办个展。她的作品也曾在各地进行展览,如第55 届威尼斯双年展,上海chi K11美术馆,上海当代艺术馆,北京今日美术馆和成都蓝顶美术馆等。她的作品已被乌里·希克和chi K11美术馆收藏。耿旖旎将于2020年于BANK 举办新的个人展览。

Geng’s gooey paintings with their manifold surfaces and schizophrenic narratives are a testimony to our interactive computer lives where we simul-taneously dance between multiple windows, looking and covering, pointing at past and future. What the total sum of ingredients in her uncanny works may mean is not the point; it is the lighthearted celebration of unbridled plurality that gives Geng’s work its edge.

Geng Yini (b.1982, Shenyang) is graduate of Lu Xun Academy and now lives and works in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. Her work has been featured in solo exhibitions at BANK in 2013 and 2015. She has also shown in numerous venues including 55 Venice Biannual Collateral Event, Venice; chi K11 Art Museum, Shanghai; MoCA Shanghai, Today Museum, Beijing; and Blue Top Museum in Chengdu, etc. Her work is in the collection of Uli Sigg, chi K11 Art Museum. BANK will present Geng’s brand-new solo show in 2020. 

 Imaginary installation shot 想象中的💭的空间图


 吻在电影里,  Kiss in Movie , 2014

布面油画 Oil on canvas

120 x 180 厘米cm  

1989年出生于四川,成长于四川。2012年在四川美术学院完成本科学业。随后前往北京。在北京生活工作6年,于2018年搬到上海。现长期沉迷于网络,在网络世界里四处游荡。是虚拟世界的“流浪者”“自然主义者”和“隐身客”。网络ID:“闲人”“人精”。目前主要通过对图像的编辑,来探索自我的身体和意识,以及对外部世界的观察。王芮于2018年在上海BANK画廊举办个展《美好而变得模糊》,并在北京 salt 项目,大卫·卓纳画廊(香港),苏州艺术博物馆和深圳何香凝美术馆展出过。王芮还参加了汉斯·乌尔里希·奥布里斯特在 FIAC 2017的 “89+和谷歌艺术与文化”座谈会。

Born in Sichuan in 1989, Graduated from Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts in 2012. Then I went to Beijing. Lived and worked in Beijing for 6 years and moved to Shanghai in 2018. Now long addiction to the Internet, Wandering around in the online world. Is the "Vagrant", "Naturalist" and "Invisible guest" of the virtual world. Network ID:“闲人”“人精”. At present, it mainly explores the body and consciousness of oneself and observes the external world through image editing.Wang’s work has been shown at BANK, Shanghai; Salt Projects, Beijing; David Zwirner Gallery, HK; Suzhou Art Museum; and He Xiangning Art Museum Shenzhen. Wang has also participated in Hans Ulrich Obrist’s “89+ and Google Arts & Culture” Conversation Room at FIAC 2017.


 Installation shots of Wang Rui's solo show Fuzzeautiful at BANK, 2018 

紫色入侵红色  Purple invading Red , 2018

布面油画 Oil on canvas

146 x 112 厘米cm  



她的近期个展包括物累(香港艺门画廊,2016),位移(巴黎 Dawan艺术基金会,2016, 也参与群展睡眠复仇,梦见生命(北京激发研究所,2018),“Extended Group show”(瑞士卢塞恩麦勒画廊, 2017),一次别离(北京杨画廊,2017),门闩(北京C龙口空间,2017),中国私语(瑞士伯尔尼 Kunst 美术馆, 2016),歧感激流通向语言的绘画” (北京今日美术馆,2016)

她的作品被Uil Sigg 当代艺术收藏基金会、香港M+博物馆、DSL collection 收藏基金会、保时捷(Porsche) 艺术收藏基金会、黄宇、谈勇等收藏。

Xie Qi (b. 1974, Chongqing) works and lives in Beijing. Xie Qi's recent series of oil paintings depicts the human figure, with a special focus on the areas below and above the clavicle. Her subjects are solitary forms illuminated by dramatic lighting, as if on a stage separated from their mundane identity as vessels for emotional expression.

Xie Qi's recent solo shows include The Unbearable Weight of Things (Pékin Fine Arts, Hong Kong, 2016), Displacement (Dawan Foundation, Paris, 2016). Notable group shows include Sleeping with a Vengeance, Dreaming of a Life (IFP, Beijing, 2018), Extended Ground (Lucerne Gallery, Switzerland, 2017), A Separation (Beijing Gallery Yang, 2017), the Latch: That Obscure Object of Portraits (C+ Space Local, Beijing, 2017), Chinese Whispers (Kunsthalle, Bern, Switzerland, 2016), Dissensus Agitation-Paintings leading to language (Today Art Museum, Beijing, 2016). 

Her works are in the collection of The Uli Sigg Contemporary Art Collection Foundation, Hong Kong M + Museum, DSL Collection, Porsche Collection Foundation and in the private collections of Huang Yu, Tan Yong, and many others.


Installation shots of Xie Qi Clavicle at BANK, 2019

 它是你的, Yours 2019

布面油画 Oil on canvas

80.4 x 120.4 厘米cm  



Wang Jiaxue’s recent body of work has undergone significant breakthroughs. She creates contrasting lines and contours, expressive shapes, and a diverse array of spatial relationships, with subtle auroras of colors. Best described as neoclassicism with her personal spin, Wang’s pairing style results in a calm and harmonious ambience, in which she comfortably renders both the physicality and spirituality of her subjects.

Wang Jiaxue (b.1986) graduated from Luxun Academy of Fine Arts with an MFA in classical oil painting. She works and lives in Shenyang.

 Imaginary installation shot 想象中的💭的空间图


 Areas for Action, Houston: Glitter Group, John and Angeli- Face to Face, 2015


Digital C-print,ink stamp 彩色合剂冲印 

91.5 x 137 cm

Oliver Herring,1964年出生于德国海德堡,现生活并工作于纽约布鲁克林。他的作品涉猎甚广,从早期用聚酯带编织的雕塑,到实验视频、合成照片雕塑,直至最近的TASK活动——邀请参与者全面参与作品的塑造,为每一个人都分配了创作任务。 自1998年,时常邀请其他人加入自己的创作。从定格视频到精心制作的照片雕塑,这些密切的互动使得他的创作拓展到了全新的领域,并在更为开放的TASK系列活动、派对和开放工坊中达到了顶峰。尽管形式各异,他的所有艺术项目都围 绕着社交互动、人际关系以及趣味实验这三大核心要素。  Herring曾在纽约现代艺术博物馆、纽约古根海姆博物馆、华盛顿赫希洪博物馆及雕塑公园、英国伦敦卡姆登艺术中心、 日本京都艺术中心、中国深圳何香凝美术馆、“每日奇观”-第十届里昂当代艺术双年展、2010年度日本名古屋爱知三年展、 纽约Performa 09行为艺术双年展等地举办展览。《Art 21》杂志第3期对他进行了特别报道。BANK即将于2020年5月在纽约弗里兹艺博会上呈现他的个人项目。
Oliver Herring was born in Heidelberg, Germany in 1964. He lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. His ever-expanding body of work ranges from early sculptures knit with Mylar tape to experimental videos, complex photo-sculptures, and TASK events,which invite participants to entirely shape the work by assigning each other creative tasks to complete. 
Since 1998 Herring has regularly involved other people in his work. From stop-motion videos, scrupulously rendered photo-sculptures, and participatory performances, these intimate interactions have expanded his practice into new realms, culminating in the more open series of TASK Events, Parties, and Workshops. Though varied in form, his projects share a focus on social interactions, human relationships, and playful experimentation. 
Herring has exhibited widely including the Museum of Modern Art, NY; the Solomon R.Guggenheim Museum of Art, NY; The Hirschhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, DC; the Camden Arts Centre, London, England; the Kyoto Art Center, Kyoto, Japan; the He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen, China; the Xth Lyon Biennale, Lyon, France; the 2010 Aichi Triennale, Nagoya, Japan; Performa 09, NY; and many others venues. In 2009 the Tang Museum, Saratoga Springs, NY organized a 15 year survey of Herring’s work. Herring was featured on Season 3 of Art21/PBs’s program: Art21, Art in the 21st Century. BANK will present his solo project at Frieze New York in May 2020. 

 Imaginary installation shot 想象中的💭的空间图

 错置  Displaced, 2019

塑料,钢丝,功能性塑料 Plastic,wire, pps

40.5 x 40.5 x 80.5厘米cm  



A leading voice in an emerging generation of socially engaged contemporary artists in China, Jin Shan is an agent provocateur. Preferring wit and satire to aggression and conflict, his work uses humor and play to draw audiences into a confrontation with the social, cultural and political problems of the day. While specifically describing aspects of contemporary China, his investigation of human motivation extends beyond national boundaries to the seemingly insatiable desire for power programmed into humanity’s DNA. 

Jin Shan (b.1977, Jiangsu Province) graduated from Faculty of Fine Art of East China Normal University in 2000, currently works and lives in Shanghai. Jin Shan’s work has been exhibited at the Singapore Biennale, The Venice Biennale, The Groninger Museum, Netherlands, David Winton Bell Gallery, Brown University, among others. His works have been collected by M+ Museum, Hong Kong, China; White Rabbit Gallery, Sydney, Australia; the Kadist Foundation, Paris, France; the DSL Collection, Paris, France and the Spencer Museum of Art, Lawrence, Kansas, USA. 

 细节图 Work in detail

艺术家名单 Artists List 

奥斯丁·李 Austin Lee

张怡 Patty Chang

耿旖旎 Yini Geng

黄彦彦 Yanyan Huang

奥利弗·赫林 Oliver Herring

让-克里斯蒂安布·卡尔  Jean-Christian Bourcart

靳山 Jin Shan

马克·拉菲亚 Marc Lafia

林科 Lin Ke

林明弘 Michael Lin

马大哈 MA DA HA

政纯办 PSFO

塔伯·罗巴克 Tabor Robak

孙一钿 Yitian Sun

海蒂·芙欧特 Heidi Voet

王佳雪 Jiaxue Wang

王芮 Wang Rui

谢其 Xie Qi

郑皓中 Haozhong Zheng

赵之亮 Zhiliang Zhao

制作团队 Production Team

 Curated by 

· Mathieu Borysevicz

 Jessica Qiqian Zeng

 Layout Design by  Grace

 Poster Design by 404 

展览信息 Show Information


2020.02.14- forever

展览之地 Show Room

微信公众号"MABSOCIETY"  每周二,四,六

Please subscribe WeChat (MABSOCIETY) for the show updates(Every Tue, Thur, Sat) 


OPENING Social Party @Weibo(Account@BANK_MABSOCIETY)

对艺术家或者BANK 的好奇都可留言,讨论 

All kinds of questions/discussion are welcomed here, either for our artists or BANK

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