每年,德威国际学校都会安排讲座,纪念探险家 Ernest Shackleton 爵士。他被广泛认为是二十世纪最具启发力的领导人之一。虽然他没有实现自己的理想即成为第一个到达南极的人,但他卓越的领导能力与声誉被世界传为佳话。在一次南极探险中,他的所有团队成员都生存了下来并平安返回,克服了难以想象的困境。Shackleton 的名字也因此成为勇气和领导力的代名词。
今年的访问演讲者是 Erden Eruç。他是一位真正的探险家,也是一位充满创造力和拥有启发性思维的人。他保持着独自一人、完全凭借一己之力环游世界的纪录。他历时五年,行经 66,299公里,仅靠步行、骑自行车,划艇和独木舟完成探险。在旅途中他还登上了三大洲的三座最高峰。Erden Eruç 拥有 14 项吉尼斯世界纪录,他还想攀登位于其他大洲上的三座最高峰。他带来了一块和他漂洋过海的帆船布料。借此,他想告诉学生们,去挑战自己,去拥有更大的梦想,不要让恐惧,犹豫或者不安阻止自己实现梦想。Erden Eruç 是一位非常有吸引力和有趣的演讲者,演讲结束后他回答了学生们的很多问题。之后他与我们的学院院长们一起享用了午餐,他们询问了 Erden 更多关于他探险的故事。
The Annual Shackleton Lecture
Every year Dulwich College International arranges a lecture to commemorate the former Alleynian explorer, Sir Ernest Shackleton who is widely known as one of the most inspirational leaders of the twentieth century. While he never achieved his personal dream of being the first to reach the South Pole, his reputation as a great leader is based on a still greater success: the survival and safe return of all of his team members, whilst overcoming almost unimaginable odds. Shackleton’s name lives on as a synonym for courage, bravery and most of all, leadership.
The visiting speaker this year is a true explorer and a very inspirational person, Erden Eruç. He holds the record for circumnavigating the Earth solo and entirely by human-power, taking over five years to travel 66,299 km by foot, bicycle, ocean rowing boat and sea kayak. He also climbed three of the highest summits on three continents during his journey. Erden Eruç holds 14 Guinness World Records. He still wants to climb three more summits on the other continents. He brought with him a cloth outline of the boat he used for his ocean crossings. His key message to our students was to challenge themselves to have big and ambitious dreams and not to let fears, doubts or uncertainties hold them back from trying to achieve those dreams. Erden Eruç was a very engaging and interesting speaker and he stayed on after his talk to answer some of our students many questions. After the talk, he had lunch with our House captains and they quizzed him even more about his adventures.