AS 各科全A,罗德岛设计艺术学院提前录取珠宝设计专业
美国罗德岛设计学院(Rhode Island School of Design 简称RISD),是一所集艺术与设计学科为一体的世界顶尖设计学院。建校于1877年,至今已有近140年的悠久历史。并在Business Insider的世界上最棒的25所设计学院中,RISD荣膺榜首,力压耶鲁、麻省理工、Pratt、SAIC等强校。
RISD位于美国罗德岛州(Rhode Island)的首府普罗维登斯市(Providence),座落于学院山(College Hill)山脚,与常春藤布朗大学(Brown University)校园相连,师生比为11:1,拥有13英亩校地,国际学生比例约为15%。罗德岛设计学院和布朗大学共同享有着社会、学术和社团等资源,并为两校学生提供互选课程和双学位的机会。
“ 一件珠宝 一段独白 ”
姜涵一 珠宝设计作品
“ 海洋受到污染,珊瑚出现白化现象。
“ 全球气候变暖导致冰川融化海平面上升,最终地球被海水覆盖。如果人类尚存,或许会长出海生动物的器官。于是我从八爪鱼的触须上得到灵感,创作了这幅艺术作品。”
( 以上这两幅作品收录在姜涵一申请罗德岛设计艺术学院的作品集中。)
[ 对艺术大器晚成 ]
Jill Jiang – An environmental artist
Graduate of 2018 with AS --- A grades in all subjects, received an early decision from Rhode Island Institute of Design and Art and will major in jewelry design.
“A piece of jewelry and a dream of the Ocean.”
The ocean was a childhood dream of Jill Jiang. Two years ago she joined the Sri Lanka's Environmental Protection Organization. On one occasion, when plastic was discovered blocking the throats of dying sea turtles, Jill felt that the ocean was figuratively crying out for help. She has taken these feelings and expressed them in her art where her designs speak volumes about the fight formarine life.
Figure I
“When the ocean is polluted the coral whitens. I hope these wearable bright corals can arouse people's awareness of protecting corals.”
Figure II
"Global Warming leads to glaciers melting,sea level rising and eventually the Earth is covered with sea water. If human beings are to continue to exist, they may evolve to become marine animals. So I got inspiration from the tentacles of octopus and created this piece of art.”
These two works were included as part of Jill Jiang’s application for Rhode Island School of Design and Art.
Late to the Arts
Unlike other students applying for an artcollege, Jill Jiang did not really connect with the fine arts until her sophomore year at Dulwich. When she started the art course, she compared it to other courses one by one and found herself to be both strongly attracted to art and passionate about design. In her sophomore year, Jiang had a full schedule of courses, with art only taking up one hour a week. In order to gain more time to learn art, she often gave up lunch breaks so she could spend more time in the art studios for creative practice.
"Dulwich Art Classes taught me how to run an art project to understand how a piece of art evolves step by step. Dulwich art classes focus on the cultivation of students' creativity."
Jill Jiang has a unique understanding of art: "For me, art is tweezers removing the plastic blocking the throats of sea turtles and reminding people to reflect on what they are doing. It is a law that drives people to make changes. However, I want my work to be sharper and tighter than tweezers and more restrictive than law." The style and method of Dulwich art classes clearly benefited her greatly.
In addition to the arts, Jill Jiang also achieved very good grades in other subjects and she freely acknowledges this this is due to the quality of the teaching at Dulwich: "Dulwich's teaching method is not a teacher lecturing alone, but there are many lively forms for students to export what they have learned. Even in science, there will be similar forms of video production, slide presentations and poster production to help the students to master the knowledge. "