
Christmas at Wellington | Charity Christmas Bazaar

Christmas is just around the corner and it is time for our annual Charity Christmas Bazaar which will be held on Friday December 13th 2019, 1500hrs-1700hrs. We will continue our theme from last year – The Gift of Giving – with proceeds from the Bazaar going to the Charity Organisations the College is supporting. If any parents or friends from the Wellington Community are interested in organising a stall or offering any other support for the event, please contact Ms. Nina Lee at nina.lee@wellingtoncollege.cn.

2019 Christmas Bazaar


Senior Dining Hall

From 1600hrs onwards

Santa's Grotto for picture taking

at the Junior Art Room

Would you like to learn more about Wellington College International Tianjin? 

Registration is now open for families who would like to know more about our unique approach to teaching and learning as well as how we support graduates attain their top goals for university entrance. You can arrange a visit by scanning the QR code below. Our admissions’ team is available to host individual campus tours and to help you to discover what makes Wellington College special.

Scan the QR code to submit an enquiry

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