

2017-12-12 山东秋实翻译


2018年研究生考试即将开始,相信很多考研党现在已进入复习的白热化阶段。秋小实特意汇总China Daily从2017年1月-11月的各种热点新闻词汇,给大家助力一波,欢迎分享给身边正在备考的朋友喔~(不考试,也可以背诵积累哦!)


  1. 个税改革方案

    reform plan for individual income tax

  2. 综合计征 

    comprehensive tax levying

  3. 免税 

    tax exemption

  4. 关税 


  5. 消费税 

    consumption tax

  6. 进口环节增值税 
    import value-added tax

  7. 收入分配 
    income distribution

  8. 贫富差距 
    gap between the rich and the poor

  9. 餐桌污染

    dining table pollution

  10. 食品安全丑闻 

    food safety scandal

  11. 转基因食品 
    genetically modified (GM) food

  12. 食品添加剂 
    food additive

  13. 瘦肉精 
    lean meat powder/clenbuterol

  14. 塑化剂 

  15. 出境游

    outbound trip

  16. 环保警察

    environmental police force

  17. 小程序

    mini apps

  18. 世界杯扩军

    World Cup expansion

  19. 告别演讲

    farewell address

  20. 大雾红色预警

    red alert for fog

  21. 购汇

    purchase foreign currency

  22. 健走

    fast walking

  23. 人工智能

    artificial intelligence (AI)

  24. 空城

    ghost town

  25. 单日票房纪录

    single-day box office record

  26. 即时退税

    real-time tax refund

  27. 脱欧白皮书

    Brexit white paper


  1. 脱欧白皮书 
    Brexit White Paper

  2. 禁穆令 
    Muslim ban

  3. 共享汽车 

  4. 微信绿包 
    green packet

  5. 依法履职 
    fulfilling legal duties

  6. 留存指纹 
    collecting fingerprints

  7. 境外账户 
    foreign accounts

  8. “朝阳群众”
    app Chaoyang residents app

  9. 老赖 

  10. 付费订阅 
    pay-to-read feature

  11. 写作软件 
    writing software

  12. 行政拘留 
    administrative detention

  13. 社交媒体审查 
    social media checks

  14. 驾驶证互认换领 
    driving license reciprocity

  15. 篮协主席 
    president of the Chinese Basketball Association

  16. 金融大鳄 
    financial crocodiles


  1. 博鳌亚洲论坛 
    Boao Forum for Asia, BFA

  2. 反全球化 

  3. 包容的全球化 
    inclusive globalization

  4. 贸易保护主义 

  5. 区域一体化 
    regional integration

  6. 一带一路倡议 
    the Belt and Road Initiative

  7. 可持续发展

  8. sustainable development

  9. 核安全 
    nuclear safety

  10. 核安全峰会 
    Nuclear Security Summit

  11. 核武器 
    nuclear weapon

  12. 多边开发银行 
    multilateral development bank

  13. 自由贸易区 
    free trade zone

  14. 价值链合作 
    value chain cooperation

  15. 医改 
    healthcare reform

  16. 诊疗费 
    consultation fee

  17. 争议课文 
    controversial parts of a textbook

  18. 免除学杂费 
    waive tuition and miscellaneous fees

  19. 贫困生 
    poor/financially disadvantaged student

  20. 恐怖袭击 
    terrorist attack

  21. 犯罪记录 
    rap sheet, criminal record

  22. 自杀式炸弹袭击者 
    suicide bombe

  23. 极端分子 

  24. 国产航母 
    domestically built aircraft carrier

  25. 战备 
    combat readiness

  26. 战斗机 
    fighter jet 

  27. 流动儿童 
    migrant children

  28. 农村义务教育 
    rural compulsory education

  29. 户籍人口 
    registered population

  30.  史上最大罚单 
    record high fine

  31. 内幕交易 
    insider trading

  32. 操纵股价 
    manipulate/rig stock prices

  33. 推高股价 
    prop up stock prices

  34. 政治危机 
    political crisis

  35. 名额分配 
    slot allocation

  36. 回收火箭 
    recycled rocket

  37. 火箭回收 
    rocket recovery

  38. 助推器 

  39. 发射台 

  40. 亚轨道火箭 
    suborbital rocket

  41. 交会对接 
    rendezvous and docking

  42. 再补给任务 
    resupply mission


  1. 中美元首会晤 
    meeting between the heads of state of China and the US

  2. 建交 
    establish diplomatic relations

  3. 求同存异 
    seek common ground while reserving differences

  4. 雄安新区 
    Xiongan New Area

  5. 公共资源超负荷 
    overburdened public resources

  6. 城市病 
    urban ill

  7. 住宅用地供应 
    housing land supply

  8. 土地使用权转让 
    transfer of land-use rights

  9. 首套房贷款 
    loans for first-time homebuyers

  10. 按揭贷款 
    mortgage loans

  11. 经济适用房 
    affordable housing

  12. 炒房者 
    property speculator

  13. 强化督查 
    strict inspection

  14. 减排 
    reduce emission

  15. 碳排放 
    carbon emission

  16. 环境监测 
    environmental monitoring

  17. 赏花游 
    trips to admire the beauty of flowers

  18. 樱花季 
    cherry blossom season

  19. 传统热门旅游目的地 
    traditionally hot tourism destination

  20. 反腐剧 
    anti-corruption TV series

  21. 收视率 
    audience rating

  22. 黄金档 
    prime time slot

  23. 纪检 
    disciplinary probe

  24. 反腐运动 
    anti-graft/anti-corruption campaign

  25. 官商勾结 
    collusion between officials and businessmen

  26. 金融反腐 
    corruption fight infinancial sector

  27. 八项规定 
    eight-point austerity rules

  28. 非法利益 
    illegal profit

  29. 挪用公款 
    embezzle public money

  30. 徇私枉法 
    bend the law for personal gain

  31. 高铁外交

    high-speed railway diplomacy

  32. 空巢青年 
    empty-nest youths

  33. 月光族 
    moonlight clan

  34. 空巢老人 
    empty nester

  35. 啃老族 
    NEET (not in employment, education, or training) group,people who are financially dependent upon their parents

  36. 分时计价 
    time-of-use pricing

  37. 超售 

  38. 被强制拒载 
    be involuntarily denied boarding

  39. 被暴力拖下飞机 
    be violently dragged off a plane

  40. 土卫二 

  41. 哈勃太空望远镜 
    Hubble Space Telescope

  42. 能量释放过程 
    energy-releasing process

  43. 驱逐舰 

  44. 核潜艇 
    nuclear submarine

  45. 推进系统 
    propulsion system

  46. 太空加油 
    in-orbit refueling

  47. 发射场 
    launch site

  48. 永久载人空间站 
    permanent manned space station

  49. 遥感系统 
    remote sensing system

  50. 通信卫星 
    communications satellite

  51. 火星探测器 
    Mars probe

  52. 地理国情普查 
    national geoinformation survey

  53. 人口普查
     (population) census

  54. 执政百日

    100 days in office

  55. 总统就职典礼 
    presidential inauguration

  56. 宣誓就职仪式 
    swearing-in ceremony

  57. 宣誓就职 
    take the oath of office

  58. 支持率 
    approval rating

  59. 公投 

  60. 迷你KTV 
    mini karaoke booth


  1. 国产客机 
    homemade passenger jet

  2. 光量子计算机
    photon quantum computer

  3. 网游实名
    real name registration for online games

  4. 武德
    martial arts morality

  5. 一带一路
    Belt and Road

  6. 儿童肥胖
    childhood obesity

  7. 分时段控制客流 
    control the number of visitors during differenttimeperiods

  8. 无地沟油
    No Gutter Oil

  9. 自由、平等、博爱 
    Liberty, Equalityand Fraternity

  10. 丝路精神

    Silk Road spirit

  11. 零和思维 
    zero-sum mentality

  12. 勒索软件

  13. 恶意代码 
    malicious code

  14. 网络犯罪 

  15. 点击欺诈 
    click fraud

  16. 钓鱼网站 
    phishing site

  17. 臭氧污染
    ozone pollution

  18. 空气质量评级 
    air quality rating

  19. 沙尘天气 
    sand and dust weather

  20. 活跃用户
    active user

  21. 僵尸粉 
    zombie/phantom follower

  22. 虚假粉丝 
    fake/artificial follower

  23. 未受过良好教育的 

  24. 短途近郊游
    excursions to suburban areas

  25. 出境游 
    outbound travel

  26. 共享单车实名制
    real name registration for shared bikes

  27. 押金管理 
    deposit management

  28. 慢就业
    delayed employment

  29. 就业歧视 
    employment discrimination

  30. 签订劳动合同 
    sign labor contract

  31. 新能源
    new energy

  32. 恐怖威胁等级
    terror threat level

  33. 反恐行动 
    anti-terrorist operation

  34. 独狼恐怖分子 
    lone-wolf terrorist

  35. 极端组织 
    extremist group

  36. 人民币走强
    yuan strengthens

  37. 外汇市场 
    forex market

  38. 入世议定书

    Protocol on China's Accession to the WTO

  39. 反倾销 

  40. 汽车共享

  41. 分享经济 
    sharing economy

  42. 免疫缺陷 
    immune deficiency

  43. 巴黎气候协定
    Paris climate agreement

  44. 地缘政治地位 
    geopolitical standing


  1. 蓝色经济

    blue economy

  2. 自媒体
    We Media

  3. 共享小金车
    gilded shared bike

  4. 八卦账号
    paparazzi account

  5. 悬浮议会
    hung parliament

  6. 硬X射线调制望远镜 
    Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope

  7. 国际足球联盟 
    Federation Internationale de Football Association, FIFA

  8. 现金奖励
    cash rewards

  9. 减排 
    emission reduction

  10. 环境污染 
    environmental pollution

  11. 脱欧谈判
    Brexit talks

  12. 蓝色经济通道
    blue economic passage

  13. 共享蓝色空间 
    share blue space

  14. 海洋环境保护 
    marine environment protection

  15. 海上互利互通

    marine interconnectivity

  16. 金砖+ 
    BRICS plus

  17. 全球经济治理 
    global economic governance

  18. 务实合作 
    practical cooperation

  19. 金砖国家 
    BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa)

  20. 基础四国 
    BASIC countries (Brazil, South Africa, Indiaand China)

  21. MSCI指数

    MSCI index

  22. 牛市 
    bull market

  23. 熊市 
    bear market

  24. 小盘股 
    small-cap stock

  25. 蓝筹股 
    blue chip stock

  26. 废黜

  27. 王室谕令 
    royal decree

  28. 驻港部队
    PLA Garrison in HKSAR

  29. 一国两制 
    one country, two systems

  30. 港人治港 
    Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong

  31. AI发展规划
    AI development plan

  32. 国乒男队
    Chinese men's table tennis team

  33. 网络攻击
    cyber attack

  34. 网络安全法 
    cyber security law

  35.  投硬币祈福
    throw coins for good luck

  36. 宣扬迷信 
    advocate superstition

  37. 行政拘留 
    administrative detention

  38. 法院判决 
    court order


  1. 圣安德烈勋章
    the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle

  2. 人造太阳

    artificial sun

  3. 商业养老保险

    commercial pension insurance

  4. 人口红利 
    demographic dividend

  5. AR录取通知书

    AR admission notice

  6. 扶老人风险基金
    risk fund for those who help the elderly

  7. 信任危机 
    credibility/trust crisis

  8. 信仰缺失 
    loss of faith

  9. 收费公路债券
    toll road bond

  10. 绿色债券 
    green bond

  11. 政府债券 
    government bond

  12. 债券通 
    Bond Connect

  13.  产假

    maternity leave

  14. 晚婚晚育 
    late marriage and late childbirth

  15. 无人超市

  16. 势利相亲
    snobbish dating

  17. 稳增长 
    growth stabilization

  18. 宏观调控 
    macroeconomic maneuver

  19. 租房市场
    home rental market

  20. 共享睡眠舱
    shared sleep cabin

  21. 拼车 
    car pooling

  22. 顺风车 
    ride sharing

  23. 暗网
    dark web

  24. 执法机构 
    law enforcement agency

  25. 跨国犯罪组织 
    transnational criminal organization

  26. 拒不认罪
    plead not guilty

  27. 过堂提审 

  28. 审前听证 
    pretrial hearing

  29. 撤军
    withdraw troops

  30. 解除对峙 
    solve the standoff

  31. 边境入侵 
    border incursion

  32. 现代医院管理
    modern hospital management

  33. 民办医疗机构 
    private hospital

  34. 富豪消费价格指数
    Luxury Consumer Price Index (LCPI)

  35. 高净值人群 
    high-net-worth individuals

  36. 无现金社会
    cashless society

  37. 金融工具 
    financial instruments

  38. 阶层固化 
    class solidification


  1. 海外保障基地overseas logistics base

  2. 共有产权住房

    home with joint property rights

  3. 房子是用来住的,不是用来炒的 
    housing is for accommodation rather than speculation

  4. 求职者死亡
    death of a job applicant

  5. 军装照
    pictures in PLA uniforms

  6. 火星模拟基地
    Mars simulation base

  7. 共享汽车
    shared cars

  8. 第三学期
    third semester

  9. 信用评分系统
    credit rating system

  10. 受污染鸡蛋
    contaminated egg

  11. 恐袭 
    terror attack

  12. 提供技术支持
     provide technological support

  13. 信息消费 
    information consumption

  14. 信息时代 
    information era/age

  15. 信息爆炸 
    information explosion

  16. 混改方案 
    mixed-ownership reform plan

  17. 抗生素

  18. 抗生素残留 
    antibiotic residue

  19. 抗生素治疗 
    antibiotic treatment

  20. 耐抗生素细菌 
    antibiotic-resistant bacteria

  21. 耐药性 
    drug resistance

  22. 全球性的健康危机 
    global health crisis

  23. 食品安全 
    food safety

  24. 中央委员 
    members of the CPC Central Committee

  25. 基层同志 
    comrades at the grass-roots level

  26. 党内民主 
    intra-Party democracy

  27. 民主集中制 
    democratic centralism

  28. 散客 
    individual traveler

  29. 自由行 
    independent travel

  30. 跟团游 
    package tour

  31. 创业友好城市 
    start-up friendly city

  32. 双创人才 
    innovative and entrepreneurial talent

  33. 新创企业孵化器 
    start-up incubator

  34. 启动资金
    start-up fund

  35. 戴妃逝世20周年 
    the 20th anniversary of the death of Princess Diana

  36. 王室 
    royal family

  37. 丧亲之痛 

  38. 沉痛悼念 
    mourn with deep grief


  1. 巡视利剑 
    Sharp Sword of Inspection

  2. 挪用公款 

  3. 首次代币发行 
    Initial Coin Offerings

  4. 区块链 

  5. 申请延期 
    apply for a renewal

  6. 永久法令 
    permanent statute

  7. 无痛分娩 
    pain-free delivery

  8. 助产药 
    labor inducing drug

  9. 妊娠纹 
    stretch mark

  10. 产后抑郁症 
    post-natal depression

  11. 代孕 

  12. 试管婴儿 
    test tube baby

  13. 王室公务活动 
    royal engagement

  14. 寄宿学校 
    boarding school

  15. 秋季学期 
    fall semester

  16. 乙醇汽油

    ethanol-added gasoline

  17. 生物燃料 

  18. 石油 
    fossil fuel

  19. 可再生能源 
    renewable energy

  20. 碳足迹 
    carbon footprint

  21. 机动车排放标准 
    automobile emission standards

  22. 比特币中国

    BTC China

  23. 新一线城市 
    new first-tier city

  24. 人才流失 
    brain drain, talent outflow

  25. 收入差距 
    income gap

  26. 恋网站 
    dating website

  27. 相亲人士 

  28. 机型 

  29. 表情包 emoji package

  30. 风云四号A星 

  31. 超国民待遇 
    super-national treatment

  32. 无现金支付 
    cashless payment

  33. 旺季 
    peak season

  34. 淡季

    off season

  35. 洗澡蟹 

  36. 中国造马桶盖 
    made-in-China toilet seat

  37. 工匠精神 
    spirit of the craftsman


  1. 党的十九大 
    the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC)

  2. 隐私面单 
    privacy waybill

  3. 自然指数
    Nature Index

  4. 网联 
    China Nets Union Clearing Corporation

  5. 达摩院 
    DAMO Academy

  6. 联合国教科文组织 
    the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

  7. 行为经济学之父 
    father of behavioral economics

  8. 脉冲星 

  9. 《战狼2》

    Wolf Warrior 2


  1. 国事访问+ 
    state visit plus

  2. 创意城市网络 
    Creative Cities Network

  3. 失信黑名单 
    blacklist of serious dishonesty

  4. 双11促销 
    Double 11 promotions

  5. 监察委员会 
    supervisory commissions

  6. 亚太经合组织第25次领导人非正式会议 
    the 25th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting

  7. 虐童

  8. child abuse

  9. 元首外交 head-of-state diplomacy

  10. 绿色包装 green packaging

  11. 东亚经济共同体 East Asian Economic Community

  12. 混合所有制改革 mixed-ownership reform

  13. 国家账本 State balance sheet

  14. 吉利钱 lucky money

  15. 社保基金 social security fund

  16. 庭前会议 pretrial conference

  17. 新兴职业 new occupations

  18. 产权保护 property rights protection

  19. 维密中国首秀 China debut of Victoria's Secret Fashion Show

  20. 责任督学 educational inspector

  21. 厕所革命 toilet revolution

  22. 极地旅游 polar tours


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