
Shanghai Secretary Documents Sex Life with Boss On Instragram

2016-01-21 ShanghaiExpatOfficial

In one of the world’s best examples of trying to sleep your way to the top, a Shanghai-based secretary has spent the past half-year documenting her sex-life with her boss.

(Introduction Translation: In the day I help my boss do his work, at night I do him)

(Molly's comment: I've already tempted him)

The Shanghai secretary, who calls herself Molly, has spent the past 6 months documenting herself and different parts of her body, in a variety of poses in a number of different locations around China and Asia.

(Molly's Comment: Happy Holidays! I'm just topping up my tan)

(Molly's Comment: Special shoes for kicking and standing on his dick [actually i'm just with friends having lunch])

Although not all of her posts were dedicated to how she was sleeping with her boss, many of them were, and featured comments such as: “Today I messed up at work, now I’m going to be punished", “I’ve already tempted my boss”, and  “Guess where I’m going ;-)”.

(Molly's comment: I messed up at work today, now i'm going to be punished)

Unfortunately for all you uncouth youths out there Molly has since shut down her Instagram account after the story broke on Hong Kong’s Oriental Sunday website. Her last post read: “How have I suddenly got 1,000 more fans in a single day? Where have you all come from.”

Here’s hoping her boss doesn’t have a wife!

