

张捷律师 广东金桥百信律师事务所 2022-03-21

尚法 勤勉 精专 共赢

JL Trade Ltd. (hereinafter as JL) is a customs broker company based in Guangzhou. In 2016, the company submitted application to customs to export some goods. The officers in Shenzhen inspected and found 908 pairs of CROCS(CROCS.INC, hereinafter as CROCS) shoes which obviously were fake .The president of JL , Mr. Zhao,  soon resigned and appointed Mr. Hu as the new president who did not own any share in JL Trade Ltd.


张 捷  律师 


CROCS soon sued JL to court for trademark infringement ,as well Mr. Zhao and Mr. Hu. The American shoemaker demanded 70,000RMB(USD11,290) to cover the loss and other reasonable legal expenses. The defendants argued that JL was only a broker and did not own the shoes so they should not be liable for the infringement. Mr. Hu, the new president, declared that he did not have any share in the company and had no idea of what was going on. Mr. Zhao, as the predecessor of Mr. Hu, said he should not have liability because it was the responsibility of JL company, not his personal fault. The defendants also argued that the amount of compensation CROCS asked for was groundless.


After trial, the Guangzhou Intellectual Property Court ruled that the knock off shoes had infringed the registered trademark of CROCS. JL, as the one who shipped the goods,had not been honest when filing reports to the customs and it failed to prove the shoes were obtained through legal channel. Therefore, JL should be liable for the compensation. Considering all factors, the court levied the compensation to be 35,000RMB (USD5,645). Referring to the stipulations of the CORPORATION LAW OF PRC, Mr.Hu should not bear join responsibility while Mr. Zhao, as the former president and main shareholder, should be held jointly liable for the 35000RMB



Case Brief


Unlike many Westerners think, China does have laws to protect IP rights and they are enforced. In most cases, the plaintiff do win and can get some kind of compensation, though insufficient sometimes.

What is interesting about this case is the joint responsibility of Mr. Zhao. He, as the former president of JL, was also liable for the 35,000RMB.That means CROCS can request him to pay the 35,000RMB with his personal property. This has become a trend in IP lawsuits in China recently.


Traditionally, a company is considered to be separate from the shareholders. If someone holds a stake in a limited company, he or she should not be liable for the debt of the company. However, recently, at least for IP cases, it is not that uncommon for Chinese courts to rule that the shareholders be held joint liability. Of course, there are certain standards for court to pierce the corporation’s veil which we will discuss later.

CROCS can bite, so can you.















