
Find Your School at Beijing International School Expo

P. VAN HASSELT BJkids 2019-04-02

Here I thought that Beijing was only known for the pollution, but I was wrong. Beijing is known for education, schools galore, and something fitting for every child. Now, I come from a country where kids go to public school and this is perfectly fine for the whole country. But in Beijing, this is not always possible and finding a fitting school is like getting lost in a haystack for parents. We aim to make the search a bit easier and pleasant for parents.

For my family, location and price are very important as we pay out of pocket. But first and foremost, having a happy and healthy child is the most important. We have since moved further away from the school where she is happy, she started taking the school bus and she is satisfied with this system. I see many school buses around and this opens up a whole other array of schools across Beijing. With these things in mind, I will be at the Beijing International School Expo (BISE) and have a browse around schools for when she gets a bit older.

This school fair will be a lot like shopping: first, a bit of research in the School Choice Guide and then off for a fun-filled day at the fair. After the fair, you might have managed to narrow down the search to some favorite schools. Then it’s time for some visits to the actual school. Even if you are a happy camper at the school you are attending to, I can recommend attending the school fair as it’s window shopping at its best and many after-school and camp program providers will be present. Hopefully, this school fair will be helpful to narrow down the search for the perfect education and a happy and healthy child.

Find more information here and make sure you register before you attend so we know how many cups of coffee we need to brew!

Photo: Uni You

