
So You’re Too Pregnant to Leave Beijing. Now What?

Mina Yan BJkids 2020-08-30


You’re about 36 weeks pregnant. And instead of blissfully planning the arrival of your new baby, you’re desperately wondering how to keep yourself and your soon-to-be newborn safe amidst the coronavirus scare that’s looming over Beijing.

For those who have got their minds set on leaving, contact your doctor first for a checkup to make sure you’re in a safe condition to make the trip. For those who are staying in Beijing, we’ve sought out advice from professionals to help put your worry to ease.

Professor Joseph B. Shumway is Chief Medical Officer at Tianjin United Family Healthcare. Dr. Shumway came to China 30 years ago to work with the World Health Organization (WHO), which included setting up China’s first mammography breast cancer screening program.

Dr. Shumway helped answer some of the concerns Beijing’s expecting moms are currently facing. Should expectant moms be doing anything in addition to wearing masks to protect themselves and their babies? According to Dr. Shumway hand washing, avoiding individuals who might carry the virus, and getting the flu shot is important. He stresses that “[flu shots]are safe during pregnancy”.

Though there’s no need to panic just because you’re too pregnant to fly out of the country, you should take extra precautions to keep yourself safe. “Pregnancy is a difficult time to be sick,” Dr. Shumway tells beijingkids. “Respiratory infections are difficult to treat during pregnancy. Avoiding getting sick is the most important advice. With that said, we do not have any reports of infected pregnant patients with coronavirus.”

Another pressing concern for soon-to-be moms is the danger of the coronavirus to their newborn baby. Dr. Shumway says that while it’s not fully known whether newborns are in any extra danger, breastfeeding will help. “If breastfeeding, they are protected to the same level as their moms,” Dr. Shumway tells us.

Beijing United Family Hospital (BJU) has taken new precautions to upgrade their facilities with the goal of being suitable to be one of the fever clinics that can treat sick patients. We had a chat with Dr. Sha Sha Yu, Department Chair of Obstetrics and Obstetrician at BJU on the actions and precautions that pregnant moms should take, along with the looming reality that some might need to give birth before Beijing is deemed safe again.

What do you recommend pregnant mothers do to help protect themselves and their babies from the virus?

If any family member has confirmed or suspected 2019-nCoV infection, they should stay away from the child; both mother and child should wear a mask. Child-appropriate masks are available. It’s unsafe for infants (under 1 year old) to wear masks.

Practice general hygiene – parents should wear masks to protect infants who are not suitable to wear masks. Cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow, and discard the tissue into a closed bin, then wash your hands with running water and soap. Avoid kissing the child, breathing directly towards the child, feeding the child, or sharing eating utensils or cups.

Strictly follow proper hand hygiene practices. Ask the child to wash his/her hands and avoid touching surfaces or objects in public areas. Avoid picking the nose with fingers, sucking on fingers, rubbing eyes, or touching surfaces in public areas (e.g., elevator buttons). Wash hands before eating and after going to the toilet. Teach children how to wash their hands properly.

Keep the house well ventilated. Open a window for 30 minutes to one hour, two to three times a day. Keep children warm while windows are open.

Clean and disinfect the household areas using household disinfectants. Avoid children playing with your phone. Clean the phone, iPad, or other toys. Clean toys in boiling water for 30 minutes if possible, otherwise spray with an alcohol-based disinfectant and place under the sun. Use a disinfectant to mop the floor one or two times a day.

Play sensibly and rest. Avoid watching TV or playing video games for a prolonged period. Exercise if possible. Encourage children to take part in household chores and get the recommended amount of sleep.

Should expecting mothers be worried about giving birth at this time?

With preventative measures taken at every step leading to giving birth, the risk of contracting a virus infection should be limited. It’s essential to strictly follow the preventative measures described above.

When you come to the hospital, make sure you wear a mask and limit your time of staying in the hospital as much as possible. If you have to wait for procedures or tests, consider staying in an open area rather than indoors.

Any general advice you’d like to share with women to stay safe right now?

The standard precautions to the public apply to mothers and children. Food safety is also a priority during pregnancy.

Also, keep in mind to eat a balanced diet and exercise at home if possible.

Keep an eye out for other symptoms such as rhinitis [inflammation of the nasal passages], pharyngitis [swelling in the throat], common cold, constipation, abdominal pain, or diarrhea. Avoid going to hospitals if unnecessary.

Last but not least, expecting mothers can seek medical advice and follow the proper precautions to protect themselves and stay calm so that they are in the best shape to protect their children and loved ones.

Photos: Unsplash

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