
Welcome Back, Ayi... Or Not?

beijingkids BJkids 2020-08-30


Attention all Beijing families. Chinese New Year is almost over, which means ayi is almost home. For most of us, ayi is a big part of our life in Beijing. She’s the one who makes our life that much better, easier, and for many families, ayi has become a part of the family.

But what about the coronavirus outbreak? Most of Beijing’s ayis are from other provinces.

I’ve asked this question in various WeChat groups and have heard different answers from how some ayis decided to forego visiting their hometowns this CNY and stayed in Beijing due to health concerns to families who have decided that they’ll attempt Beijing life without the help of their ayi anymore.

“My personal opinion is to pay her to stay home for 14 days to self-quarantine. It’s not her fault she can’t work and it’s not right to leave her with no income for that long, especially if she works for you full-time.”, says a Beijing based expat mom. One Beijing based expat dad has made a plan with his full-time ayi for her to stay in a hotel for 14 days with full pay. 

But some ayis however, have been instant on coming back to work immediately, despite being offered full pay to self-quarantine. So what’s the right way to handle this situation?

Beijing families, it’s time to share your thoughts:

Photos: thebeijinger.com

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