
Quarantine Hacks to Keep It Relaxed And, Dare We Say, Fun

Mark Karanja BJkids 2020-08-30


Self-quarantine is part of the return plan for many Beijingers who find themselves extending their vacations in different parts of the world. Along with a later start date to the Spring semester, this step is just another measure to ensure that the coronavirus doesn’t spread any further than it already has. But it would be a lie to say it won’t be a massive inconvenience. In reality, as appealing as the idea of being cloistered in one’s house, cut off from all other human contact might be, it paints an entirely different picture when one remembers the reason behind it is medical. But where to start? Here’s a quick self-quarantine survival guide to make your 14 days in not only bearable, but pleasant.


Medical Supplies

If ever there is a time to be a serious germaphobe, this is it. You should have enough hand sanitizer to last you through Armageddon. Okay, maybe that’s an overreaction. But you should have enough to last you well past your 14 days in. Everyone from the waimai delivery guy, to your own family members should be considered germ disseminators. Add to that the fact that you will need to be self-monitoring your own temperature to identify whether or not you are running a fever before it is too late. You might also need to top up your supplements in the event that you didn’t bring them along with you from your home country, with special emphasis on vitamin C, which has been touted as being particularly important at keeping the virus at bay. 


Then you have other household disinfectants like bleach, soaps, and detergents to ensure your environment remains clean and germ free at all times. There is also, obviously, the issue of face masks and where to purchase them without having to deal with the price gouging tactics resorted to by some unscrupulous vendors.  All your sanitizers, detergents, cleaning agents and the like can easily be purchased on eleme (饿了么) or meituan (美团), with both apps giving you the option to choose a convenient time for delivery.

China Post has also entered the fray with a similar delivery app.  Masks and other medical implements such as gloves and thermometers can be ordered well in advance on Taobao, and all at a more reasonable market price.


Groceries and Food

Depending on what you have as a meal plan for your 14 days in, it is safe to say that you might have to buy them all in bulk to limit exposure while in quarantine. Seeing as you won’t be strolling down to your local grocers any time soon, it might be important to set up your Mei Ri You Xian (每日优鲜) app to ensure fast and easy delivery of meat, veg, and everything in between. 

You might also need to arm yourself with a few recipes just in case you feel you stand a risk of making the same old thing again and again. If the DIY thing is really not for you, then you can take advantage of Hulu’s new quarantine delivery service. With an extensive menu, they not only offer a quick delivery, but do so in style and in beautiful packaging. Unfortunately, this service is currently available to certain parts of  Beijing, so if you are in Shunyi you might be out of luck.



The phrase ‘Netflix and chill’ should now be officially changed to ‘Netflix and quarantine’. 

If you are going to be in for 14 days straight, then you will need something to keep you and the kids entertained beyond watching the coronavirus tallies. In the event that your Netflix account doesn’t work on the mainland, you will be happy to know that several Chinese streaming sites offer up-to-date movies, and all in English as well, unless you choose the translated version of what you would like to watch – which would be a great way to bone up on your Chinese! Apps like QIY (爱奇艺), YouKu, Mango Tv (芒果tv), and Tencent (腾讯视频) are perfect for series, movies and even kids shows.

Be it Korean dramas to the latest seasons of your favorite series, you can find it all there. Their interfaces are easy to use, despite the display language being Chinese. But the icons will help you navigate through, no problem.


What about Valentine’s Day?

Chances are, this won’t be the year that you will leave the kids with ayi and have a romantic night out on the town, or even take that romantic trip for a little bonding time. But there are still ways to ensure that Valentine’s Day remains special despite being under quarantine. 

It starts with a little vino, which you can have delivered courtesy of Cheers Wine, who has a wide selection of wines from all around the world. 



A quick search through Taobao might also reveal a ton of fun games for not only you and your special someone, but also for the kids as well, to transform this Valentine’s Day into a family fun day.


Photos: cheers-wines.com, Natural News, The Next Web, pandaily.com, kanzhun.com, baidu.com, blog.naver.com, mip-china.com, giphy

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