
Soccer Camp to Kick Start Summer

Mark Karanja BJkids 2020-08-18


The sun is out, and the kids are itching to play! Frankly, after the last couple of difficult months, even the adults want to gallivant and frolic in the sun. But despite the continually decreasing threat of COVID-19 in Beijing, with schools and businesses reopening and more and more families braving the outside world for the first time in as many months, there are still prevailing concerns over the safety in playgrounds and other sports arenas.

That is where YIYA Academy comes in. As a premier full immersion English youth football and language training center, YIYA wishes to offer to Beijing’s aspiring football starts what the likes of David Beckham are giving trainees at their own world-class football academies, with an added emphasis on learning, offering their Chinese students complimentary English lessons, and availing a fully stocked three-story English book library to all its trainees. Earlier this year, in a bid to increase recognition and community engagement, YIYA had planned on partnering with various international schools, offering free football camps for students at their beautiful Chang Ying Sports Park location. Unfortunately, with the advent of COVID-19, these plans had to be shelved.


No matter. YIYA is back with a bigger, better, more interactive, and fun-filled plan for Beijing’s kids, with a picnic and soccer day lined up for Beijing’s teachers on May 30, and a huge day of fun planned for the upcoming International Children's Day on May 31. The day of fun shall include treasure hunts, face painting, balloon models, craft activities, gingerbread decorations plus an hour and a half access pass to V-FLY Trampoline World. 

Even though Beijing seems to be out of the woods as far as COVID-19 is concerned, YIYA promises to continue maintaining the highest levels of caution for all those who choose to attend by following government guidelines and wearing masks. So this International Children’s day shouldn’t be anything less than bouncing, kicking, safe fun for both kids and adults alike. All of the proceeds from the two-day event will go towards YIYA’s local school outreach program, offering soccer training camps to local schools free of charge.


Photos: YIYA Academy, Unsplash

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