
Class of 2020: “Shout Out to All My Subject Teachers!”

Mina Yan BJkids 2020-08-18


This year, COVID-19 has turned the world upside down, and for high school seniors, these students experienced a senior year unlike any we’ve ever seen before. But life goes on, and despite the chaos, COVID-19 has caused, students at international schools all over Beijing are graduating in good spirits and high hopes for the future. Congratulations to the Class of 2020!Meet Caitlin Y, a Chinese-Australian graduate from Harrow International School Beijing (HBJ)‘s class of 2020.

Next year I’ll either be attending Cambridge or LSE majoring in History + Politics/International Relations.My favorite memories from HBJ are school trips. When I first joined Harrow in Year 7 we went on a drama trip to Los Angeles, then later we did various other trips including the International Award trip in Year 9. They allowed me to see my classmates in a different light and everyone was supportive of and friendly to each other during those trips. They have been both educational and fun, I would say that educational workshops during a trip are by far my favorite method of learning!

My school has helped shape me in many ways. I became more aware of my status as a global citizen and I tend to look at issues and current affairs with a global perspective. Moreover, I have developed the habit of stepping out of my comfort zones and maintaining an everlasting curiosity to learn about anything – I am learning Chinese sign language and python coding language now which I would never have imagined learning before I came to Harrow.I’ve learned practical studying strategies that’ll help in college such as referencing, academic writing, and identifying helpful resources. However, it is the skill to communicate and set targets with my teachers that I feel will most help me thrive in a university environment where I have to proactively communicate with my lecturers and professors.I don’t have a favorite teacher. Everyone had been extremely helpful during my times at Harrow, shout out to all my subject teachers!


If I could go back and change one thing about my high school experience perhaps I would want to spend more time focusing on my interests alongside my academic pursuits – such as developing my interests in the performing arts – music and drama – more thoroughly alongside doing the humanities as my A-Level subjects.I think a balance between academic success and strong friendships is important. The ideal situation would be meeting friends who would want to improve with you on an academic journey towards your goals. I value the sense of accomplishment you get from academic success but would also wish for like-minded friends whom I can constantly strive to be better with!

As a final message, I’d like to say that it has been an incredible journey with you all, I wish everyone the best of luck with your future endeavors. I would not be who I am today without you and I cannot say how truly grateful I am for all your help, support, and kindness. It has been such an unusual year and although I am disappointed with this hasty goodbye, I feel grateful to have shared this experience with all of you.


Photos: Caitlin Y., Unsplash  

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