
Eating Pizza: Good for Your Belly, Good for Their Heart

Mina Yan BJkids 2020-10-04


Some of us eat pizza with our hands, some with a knife and fork. Some love a nice deep dish pan while others are thin-crust enthusiasts. But no matter what kind of pizza you swear by, there’s a pie out there for everyone. The latest charity event that’s taking place across the city and right in your living room is Sherpa’s Pizza for Charity.

The English food delivery app that we’ve come to love and depend on to bring us our favorite meals is teaming up with Heart to Heart charity organization and the Rotaract Club of Shanghai to raise money for heart surgeries for children across China with congenital heart disease who can’t afford treatment.

From now until Sep 16, every time you order a pizza through Sherpa’s a portion of the order will go directly to Heart to Heart.

After receiving the donation, Heart to Heart will work with their partner hospitals to carefully vet and review applications based on medical and financial need to select a child to undergo surgery. The child will receive medical treatment and stay in intensive care for recovery. Once they’re feeling better, they can begin their journey to a whole new, happy, and healthy life!


What is Heart to Heart?

Heart to Heart is a special fund of the Ren De Foundation. This Shanghai-based charity raises money to provide corrective surgery to Chinese children with congenital heart disease from around the country.

To date Heart to Heart has sponsored over 1,648 children for heart surgeries, helping to save their lives and transform those of their families. Heart to Heart is a 100% volunteer organization with no paid employees and a ¥0 operating budget. 100% of all donations are spent on surgeries. Sponsors are given documentation on where their donations went and can also visit the children in the hospital.

To download Sherpa’s and start your tasty good deeds, scan the QR code below.


Photos: Courtesy of Sherpa's, Pexels 

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