
China Lifts Re-Entry Restrictions for Foreigners

Mina Yan BJkids 2020-10-04


Perhaps the greatest news since the announcement of schools reopening was announced yesterday afternoon. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued an announcement that effective as of Monday, Sep 29 at midnight foreign nationals holding valid Chinese residence permits for work, personal matters, and reunions will be allowed to enter China again without needing to reapply for a new visa.

This announcement stressed that this currently only applies to foreign nationals in these three categories with valid visas. If your visa expired after Mar 28, then you’d need to reapply for the relevant visa at the Chinese embassy or consulate nearest to you.

It should be noted that although the announcement states the travel restrictions have drastically lifted, the COVID-19 prevention and control measures in China have not changed.

Prior to your return to China, you’ll need to obtain a negative COVID-19 test. Each country’s Chinese consulate official website will have the details on how much in advance to take the test for and how to submit documents. Chinese citizens upload their tests to an app whereas non-Chinese citizens will need a paper health declaration form stamped by the consulate. Scan the QR code below for the most recent list of 157 countries where China-bound passengers are required to obtain a negative COVID-19 test result prior to boarding. The list may be updated without notice so we recommend double-checking before you book your flight.


Upon return to China you’ll still need to complete your mandatory quarantine and depending on which city you’re returning to, abide by the regulations of that city as well. In Beijing, the rule is still 14 days of quarantine in a designated hotel followed by seven days at home with limited movement depending on the regulations of your residential community here in Beijing. While some compounds are more relaxed about COVID-19 measures, others are still insisting that its residents get their temperature taken twice a day during their first seven days back as well as present a negative COVID-19 test when they check out of their quarantine home and after their seven day home quarantine is complete.


Photos: Unsplash 

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