
The Numerical Values of an International Education in Beijing

Drew Pittock BJkids 2020-11-15



Every year, when putting together the School Choice Guide, we are inundated with vast amounts of data: everything from tuition prices to number of students and class sizes to accreditation. And given the fact that we are, doubtlessly, the preeminent voice on all things international education in Beijing, we understand that it’s our duty to crunch these numbers so that you don’t have to. After all, you’ve got much bigger things to worry about – namely, identifying the best school for your child! So sit back and relax. Well, at least until you see some of these figures.

This data reflects information gathered from the 58 schools profiled in this year’s School Choice Guide. As schools provide data in various ways, these statistics should be regarded as a general primer, and not as a scientific analysis.

Average Tuition Prices

This one may be the most important to our readers due to the fact that it can literally dictate whether or not your child will attend a certain school. Interestingly enough, according to our data, the most expensive grades to get your student through will be their elementary years. While an expensive tuition doesn’t necessarily mean the best education for your child’s unique needs and learning style, it is worth noting that these will be some of the most formative years in your child’s development, and could decide their trajectory for years to come. The cost given is per year.


RMB 154,731 / USD 21,956 = 392 tickets to Disneyland Shanghai


RMB 213,243 / USD 30,259 = 1 private island in Nova Scotia, Canada


High School

RMB 176,501 / USD 25,045 = 5 Lord of the Rings-style Hobbit homes


RMB 187,665 / USD 26,629 = 1 Zero Gravity Wedding

Average Class Size: 19

This number has actually remained unchanged since last year, as has its correlating six to one student-teacher ratio. It’s welcome news given that back in the 1980s, Brookings Institute conducted a study, one of the most credible to date, which found that students in classes with between 15 and 22 pupils and lower student-teacher ratios were three months ahead in their learning than students in larger classrooms. So while tuition price isn’t a definitive indicator of a school’s worth, the ability of teachers to provide each child with individualized attention and support certainly is.

Scholarships: 50%

If the numbers surrounding average tuition prices are hanging over your head like a bleak cloud in the dead of winter, then let this be your silver lining. Comparatively, 2017’s School Choice Guide had 55% of schools offering scholarship opportunities, and that number dropped to 40 percent in 2018, so things are looking up. Additionally, if you or your child would like some pointers on how to ace that scholarship application, check out our scholarship feature in this year's School Choice Guide!

A Few Other Numbers to Note

Find out more about Beijing’s international schools at this year’s Jingkids International School Expo (JISE) 2020 to be held on Oct 24 – 25 at Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel.

Attendance is free for all prospective parents, family members, and students. Click "Read more" at the bottom to register in advance to attend this year’s JISE.


Photos: beijingkids, Pexels, pixabay, gozerog.com

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