
Camel, Cow, and Oat: What Do These Things Have in Common?

Helena&Vivienne Jingkids 2021-10-19


In recent years, dairy alternatives such as plant-based milk and exotic milk – or those that come from non-cow animals – have been rising in popularity. But what are they exactly? Are there different nutritional benefits? How different do they taste when compared to traditional milk? Where can you find such varieties in Beijing? And of course, the million dollar question: How much do they cost?

To find out more, we did a little digging and even conducted our own taste test with kids, just so you can have an idea of how well your own children may react to these milk alternatives.

Watch kids try out milk alternatives!

Without further ado, let’s mooooo-ve on and discover the exotic cousins to cow milk!

Cow milk

Nutrition: We set the base line with cow milk so that you know how all the alternatives stack up against it. Cow milk is very protein-rich and contains all the vital amino acids needed in the body. It is also great for people who have a vitamin B12 deficiency, which is crucial for brain health. Cow milk is also one of the most consumed forms of milk, mainly due to its calcium-rich content, strengthening muscles and bones which are essential for growth. However, full-fat cow milk may be a concern for people who are wary of saturated fat, hence why skim milk – where the fat is removed – is a great option. Cow milk is not recommended for lactose-intolerant people.

Pricing: RMB 2-RMB 6 per bottle

Availability: Readily available

Taste: Well, you probably already know! Full cream milk is full-bodied, rich, and creamy. Some people find skim milk too thin and watery.

Camel milk

Nutrition: Camel milk is great for people who are diagnosed with diabetes or have a weak immune system. Despite being low in cholesterol and sugar, it is rich in vitamins and minerals, offering large amounts of iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and vitamin C. Surprisingly, camel milk’s protein is different than normal dairy milk, which is why it doesn’t generally trigger lactose-intolerant responses. Take note, however, that the protein and lactose content is also less than cow milk.

Pricing: RMB 40+ per bottle

Availability: Taobao, local neighborhood stores

Taste: Salty-sweet, cheesy, buttery. Of all types of milk, camel milk is most like breast milk, making it a great alternative for babies. However, some people find the sweetness unctuous and cloying.

Buffalo milk

Nutrition: Buffalo milk is the least desirable type of milk for calorie-watchers as it is very high in fat. Regardless, its health benefits are incredible. Buffalo milk lowers blood pressure and promotes bone and heart development. For those who suffer from circulatory issues, buffalo milk could be your new best friend. Furthermore, buffalo milk is rich in protein, phosphorus, vitamin A, iron, and calcium, which all play a prominent role in your immune system.

Pricing: RMB 6-RMB 10 per bottle

Availability: Taobao, Shan Mu grocery store, and local stores

Taste: Sweet and creamy. Some people say that it tastes like sweetened vanilla milk.

Goat milk

Nutrition: As goat milk has a lower lactose content than cow milk, it’s easier to digest and less inflammatory than cow milk. Goat milk also reduces cholesterol levels, and its fatty acids are great for heart health. Surprisingly, goat milk offers more calcium than cow milk. Plus, if you want glowing skin, goat milk is perfect for you!

Pricing: RMB 7-RMB 11 per bottle

Availability: Taobao, MeiTuan, TMall, some local grocery stores

Taste: Creamy, buttery, tangy. Some people find the creaminess slightly unctuous.

Oat milk

Nutrition: Here’s something you may not know about this vegan milk alternative: Although oat milk has more carbohydrates and fewer proteins, it’s packed with vitamin B, iron, and magnesium. Studies have shown that the fiber found in oat milk helps regulate blood sugar and improves cholesterol levels and digestion. However, although oat milk is lactose-free, folks with gluten intolerance should double-check the labels, as some manufacturers may unintentionally cross-contaminate. Lastly, if you are watching your carb intake, oat milk may not be the best option for you.

Pricing: RMB 5-RMB 12 per bottle

Availability: Taobao, Starbucks, TMall, most grocery stores

Taste: Sweet and nutty.

Rice milk

Nutrition: Rice milk is known to contain the least amount of allergens, making it a great milk alternative for the most severe lactose-intolerant cases. Furthermore, it’s great for those with high blood pressure and heart issues, as it’s free of fat and cholesterol. On that note, it also offers the least amount of calcium and protein, while being high in carbohydrates, like oat milk.

Pricing: RMB 6-RMB 14 per bottle.

Availability: Taobao, TMall, some local stores

Taste: A nice sweet taste that comes from brown rice. Some people find it a bit too watery.

Images: Taobao, Pexels


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