
22 Things That Beijing Expats Are Wishing for in 2022

Vivienne Rush Jingkids 2022-05-07


As we draw the curtains on 2021, let's cast our gaze forwards at the approaching year and prepare ourselves for another rotation around the sun. In the meantime, we asked 22 Beijingers: What is one thing you're wishing for in 2022?


"For many entering our third year away from our families – with no convenient reunion in sight – I wish for us all to not lose our vigor and continue pursuing our China goals. Pull your present community closer! Endure! It'll be worth the wait!"

~ Beijing Fella since 2009

“At home, I’d like to be more fun and laugh more with my family. Professionally speaking, I want to continue growing and learn how to be a better educator.” ~ Nikki Malek, Primary School Teacher

“In 2022 I want to be kinder to myself, others, and the environment by taking steps towards sustainability in my personal life and business.” Tasneem Jakoet, Primary Homeroom Teacher & Co-founder of FeedHer


“Relief from wearing masks…”

~Abdullah Mujahid, Local Honey Seller

"For more people to aim for new goals and do awesome things that they never thought they could."

~Yonina Chan, General Manager of KMG and Warrior One



“I hope to continue building a bigger, better, and stronger footballing community not only in Beijing, but around China.” Paul Major, Managing Director of CIFL

“It’s a toss-up between [wanting to return to the way things were in] 2019, or for me to pass my IGCSE’s with all A's.”

Angeli Zhao, 16-year-old International Student


“Having a furry friend! Fostering a pet might be a good idea for a start!” Shufen, Homeroom Teacher at Auesome Place


“My wish for 2022 is that the Girl Scouts and the Boy Scouts will get together for a fun outing like one big family!” ~ Cyanne (7) and Ruefus Wu (5)

“In 2022, I want to create an impact by donating sales from my jewelry to provide basic needs for poor children." Tina Mukuku, Founder of Chariots Handmaydz



“I just want to keep helping as many lives as I can.” Memo Mata, Principal of Shuren Private School and Angels Baseball Academy

"Living here in Beijing, I want to be able to speak fluent Chinese. I also want to deepen my knowledge of China by intercultural exchange." Nakai Yuko, Japanese Culture Promoter


“More survivors from our ghost tours!” Jim Nobles, Owner of Bizarre Beijing


"Life is both precious and fragile. Live it!" Helen Boyle, Founder of Migrant Children Foundation


"For my and all families that are apart to get together. That is my wish for 2022" Bruno Di Angelis, Yoga Teacher

"I like the saying '不怕慢,就怕停' (Bùpà màn, jiù pà tíng, Notafraid of going slow, but only afraid of stopping) so with that in mind I hope in 2022 we can all start moving forward again to where we want to be, however long it takes." ~ AJ Donnelly, Cultural Keys Chinese Culture Company Owner

"I wish to keep on growing a beautiful community of women that empower each other through staying active and embracing ourselves for who we are and how we look."

 Diva, Fitness Influencer


“Good health and happiness for my family and friends.” ~ Helena 石榴, 16-year-old International Student

“For 2022, I wish to further promote dog wellness through ethical educational practices, enriching both the owner and pup’s lives.“

Adrien Macera, Dog Lover



“I wish for a happier city environment, and a pillar for increased happiness is less noise, and a pillar for less noise is... for everyone to turn off all notifications (except the Find My... phone/computer app) on their phone. Together, we might change the world.” Joe, The Bulk House

“Being able to travel.”

~ Ignace Lecleir, Owner of TRB

Your turn! Tell us your wish for 2022 in the comments below!

KEEP READING: The Best Things That Happened to Beijingers in 2021!

Images: Pexels, contributors

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