
Every Time a Bell Rings, an Angel Gets a Mitten

Jingkids 2022-05-07


It's cold outside! As we all dig through our closets in search of the warmest and fuzziest items to beat Beijing's frigid winter, you may notice an extra pair of gloves that you were gifted but don’t really need, or a knit hat that the kids outgrew last year. So why not put them to good use?

The Power Angels school for left-behind children could put that unwanted winter finery to good use keeping their students warm. Every day, along with their school work, the students are on the fields practicing, and many of them don’t have adequate winter protection.

If you have any outerwear in good condition – especially gloves, hats, and scarves – please consider donating them! The kids will get warm hands and you will get the warm-hearted glow of knowing you helped some children in need.

In addition to winter gear the school could also use books for their library, so feel free to clean out your bookshelf and pass along some knowledge with the warmth. Donations can be sent to:


And you can contact Zoe on Wechat: zoliuzo

KEEP READING: Giving Underprivileged Angels Their First Christmas

Images: Power Baseball Angels, Mina Yan

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