
WAB's Robotics Project Joins Math & Design Classes

Sponsored Jingkids 2022-05-30


Things got pretty groovy in the Middle School Math and Design classes last month, as students learned to do the robot.

No, the students themselves weren’t dancing, but an interdisciplinary unit created by teachers in the Math and Design departments had them programming robots to weave their way through mazes or synchronize a series of movements.

"One of the ideas in Grade 8 Math this year has been to make some of the mathematics concepts a bit more tangible, a bit more hands-on, so that it becomes more than just a series of equations," Teacher Ben Newman said. "They were keen to get this built and to make it move. They were really focused, really engaged. The entire learning lab was buzzing."

Tune in to The WAB Podcast as Ben and Design Teacher Simon Furmston discuss the benefits of interdisciplinary learning and strategies for collaborative planning. Use the player above or search The WAB Podcast on your preferred podcast platform.

Applications are still open for the 2022/2023 school year. Follow the QR code below to find out more!

Images: Courtesy of WAB


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