
New to Beijing? Here Are The WeChat Groups You Must Join

Mina Yan Jingkids 2023-07-23


Welcome to Beijing!

You're going to love living here!

Moving to a brand new city (or country for some of you) can be a daunting experience. But, there are plenty of people with similar backgrounds and who share common interests as you. You’ve just got to find them, and one of the fastest ways to do that here is by joining niche WeChat groups!

We here at jingkids can vouch for the groups below – some are even moderated by our own team and we do our best to keep them spam- and clutter-free. Others are moderated by members of the expat community who dedicate so much of their time and effort to creating small digital communities that help make all of our lives that much better.

Before we jump into the list of groups, however, here is some WeChat group etiquette.

Mute the Group: We recommend you mute notifications for any group larger than a dozen or so, otherwise you are going to be inundated with messages.

Read the Group Rules First. Before you start posting what you think is relevant to the group, read the rules. It’s basic courtesy.

Participate, Don’t Carpet Bomb. Lurkers who don’t have anything to say but still find the group worthwhile are welcome, however, don’t be one of those people who never bothers to read the thread and proceeds to drop posts well after the group has covered the topic 10 times over.

Consider the Group Size. Remember that in a group of hundreds of people, the vast majority are silent but appreciate the community and don’t wait to wade through idle chatter to find the meat. Thus, extended back and forth conversations between two users (A: “Really?” B: “Yes” A: “No, you mean it?” B. “Yes I do.” A: “Is that so?”) is not useful. Every post should add value somewhere.

To join groups moderated by True Run Media (Jingkids’ parent company) scan the QR code below to add the TBJ Butler and tell him which groups you’d like to join.


To get you started, here are the must-join WeChat groups for all you Beijing newbies.

For the foodies

Food X

Food X is great for group discussions about food. Members share photos, location pins, and their experiences from cool restaurants in Beijing. The rules are pretty straightforward. If you’re there, you’re probably a foodie. Just don’t be creepy, spam the group, or trash talk restaurants without approaching the owner first. There are hundreds of people in the group, so chances are the restaurant owner is among them.

To join: Add PROMETHEUS2828 on WeChat

Foodies in Beijing

Run by Beijing’s own Foodie Queen Ana Lourenco, this is another group for food lovers. The rules are that you need to stay on topic and be respectful of others and their opinions in the group. Constructive criticisms are allowed, but don’t be rude and definitely don’t spam the group.

To join: Add ana_linanxin on WeChat


This one is specifically for foodie parents. As we know, not all family-friendly restaurants are suitable for kids of every age so this group is where you can ask for recommendations based on your unique family make-up. Like with other WeChat groups, the rules are simple – be respectful of others’ opinions and don’t spam the group.

To join: Add Wilhelmina87 on WeChat

Sweet Cravings

There are multiple Sweet Cravings groups by now. Camilla started it as a way for local bakers to share their goods with Beijing's dessert-loving community. There are daily posts of cakes, cookies, brownies, baklava, and basically anything your sweet tooth is craving. What makes this group different than a visit to your local bakery is that you're able to ask questions, and find less common desserts that might be come to come by like chiffon pandan cakes!

To join: Add Camkon on WeChat

For the parents

Beijing Parenting and Beyond

Truly one of the more useful groups on WeChat. Admins are long-term Beijing residents and you can find all you need from pet supplies to medical referrals to location pins.

To join: Add WeChat ID Shareehebert and ask to join

Family Events Only Jingkids

Although many groups are a combination of events and advice, this group is run by our founder Mike Wester and sticks strictly to events that kids can attend. This way you don’t have to comb through event posters and decipher via Google Translate if that tea tasting requires a babysitter or you can take the kids.

To join: WeChat tbjbutler and ask to join the events group

Beijing Dads Group

Don’t forget the Dads! Although all parents are welcome into most of these groups, it must be nice to have a spot where Dads can let loose. From what I hear, it’s a lot of memes but also quite good discussions and help when needed.

To join: WeChat mwinchina and ask to join the Dads group

Family Fun in Beijing

This group is another helpful resource for family-related questions in Beijing, or to share your own helpful advice for anyone looking to navigate the city.

To join: Add WeChat ID Amelie 1 and ask to join

Bumps2Babes Beijing

This group is for parents and soon-to-be parents where you can ask questions without judgment on anything baby-related. This group also has smaller sub-groups broken down by the age of your children. Ask the admin to be added to those.

To join: Add WeChat ID liviahoffman and ask to join

For those looking for 2nd hand goodies

Clothes-shoes for kids

This group is as straightforward as its name. If you’re only looking to buy some kids’ clothes and shoes, this is the group to join.

Add WeChat ID: Wilhelmina87 to join

Maternity, Newborn Buy & Sell CN

This group is for all your baby gadgets. There’s everything from clothes to books and toys that have been outgrown by kids.

Add WeChat ID: fukai2504 to join

KID Stuff: Buy, sell, swap. BJ

There’s everything from kids’ clothes and toys to furniture.

Add WeChat ID: lilin_ChinaDe to join

For those looking for good food deals

Steaks Promotion

Trader Joe has weekly deals for carnivores. Each week he sends the group a package promotion, including a combo of popular cuts, and even some free cheese, olive oil, and seasoning now and again. I order from Trader Joe’s all the time. The steaks arrive still frozen the very next day via SF Express. This week’s latest promotion is five 200g black Angus grain-fed Sirloin plus 1kg grass-fed French lamb, five 150g corn-fed beef patties, and a free bottle of Spanish olive oil all for RMB 499. Time to get your beef on!

To join, add Trader Joe on WeChat: a664978432

Morgan’s Cheese and Wine Group

The name pretty much says it all: This is a group for wine and cheese lovers. Yusan shares wine and cheese deals with tasting notes throughout the week. Recently, they began adding cold cuts to their group as well. The latest promotion is for nine pieces of cheese including three 125g Camembert, one 125g brie, two 100g Danish Blue, one 150g Spanish goat cheese, and two 150g Manchego for RMB 376.20.

To join, add Yusan on WeChat: hhhhh1407

We Love Wine

Again, it’s all in the name! If you love drinking wine, then this group is for you. Jacquelin WinePimp sends out deals and pairing recommendations throughout the week.

To join, add JacquelinWinePimp by scanning the QR code

Always Fresh – Organic & Healthy

Always Fresh sends photos and promotions on a pretty regular basis, meaning it’s a great way to save on guaranteed organic fruits and veggies that are delivered straight to your door. Their latest promotion is for 2.5kg of grapes for RMB 98. They also organize monthly specials for weekly organic veggie deliveries.

To join, add Always Fresh on WeChat: YJSG201918

Images: Pexels

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