
3 Vintage Stores In 798 For A Stylish Summer

Hanna W Jingkids 2023-07-23


As handfuls of clothing brands fall in line with the so-called “fast fashion” and the racks in Uniqlo, H&M, and Gap become filled by identical, ubiquitous designs, vintage clothing stores are becoming fantastic new alternatives. Not only is shopping for an outfit in vintage stores environmentally friendly, it’s also a chance for discovering new styles, unique items, and cheaper options as well.

In Beijing, one of the best places to look for vintage clothing is the 798 area, which is just a 30-minute drive from Shunyi. After looking around the collection of stores there, I’ve put down these three as the best options.

Tiger Vintage Store

Filled literally from floor to ceiling with everything from men’s shirts and ties to flowing dresses and ripped jeans, Tiger Vintage is a studio with personality. Walking through the cozy aisles, you’ll see racks labeled “Vintage Skirts”, “Cuban Shirts”, and “Baroque Styled”. The tightly packed outfits are clean and pressed, but also don’t repeat in pattern and design.

Tiger Vintage presents mostly fun, colorful items, though perhaps the best thing about them is that they are not overly exaggerated, and can instead be a valuable touch to any casual outfit. There is also a good selection of plain jeans, including long pants and various types of shorts.

Apart from the clothes, the shop provides a decent number of accessories. On top of the clothing racks, there are options for hats and bags, and the front half of the shop has items ranging from necklaces to claw clips. It seems that this studio is prepared to arm you from head to toe, all the while maintaining an authentic style!

The average price for clothes here is around RMB 200, and the accessories are all below RMB 100.

Find it:
798 707Street Hongshi Plaza No. 27
798 707街红石广场27号
Tel: 13601181631


Erwu Recycle Store

This store is incredibly neat and prides itself in being so. All the clothes are clean, with shockingly little too suggest their ever having been worn.

Compared to Tiger Vintage, this studio provides visitors with more casual options; its selection of skirts, jeans, shirts, and tops that seem to be what normally appears in wardrobes is appealing to anyone who’s a student, employee, or just wants to add a comfy item to their outfit.

It’s worth noting that this shop has a “Free Section”, where there is a sizable collection of clothes you could simply grab and go. The front part of the store has a fun selection of random items like key chains, toys, and accessories, making the place kid and family-friendly—whilst parents take a look at the clothes in the back, kids could browse what’s in front.

The average price for clothes here is around RMB 100 to 200.

Find it:
798 中二街D07
798 Zhong Er Street D07
Tel: 13269652025


Yaowoli Vintage Store

This studio’s obscure location might give you a hint as to its character. After wandering around the same area for minutes in search of the store, I entered its doors and seemed to be taken into a different world.

Hanging off the walls is an assortment of flowery dresses and gowns, some perfect for a weekend walk under the sun, some fit for a party. Sleeveless, short-sleeved, long-sleeved; spring, summer, autumn; this is the place to go if you’re looking for an easy outfit.

Though many vintage stores have accessories, this store stands out against the rest. Instead of normal necklaces, Yaowoli has chokers; instead of gold or silver rings, it has beaded ones; its scarves have a uniquely Chinese/Japanese style.

Part of what makes this shop awesome is that its style is versatile, depending on what you’re looking for. If you wanted to put together a bold, somewhat exotic outfit, this store provides you with everything from vintage tops and skirts made of patchwork to patterned scarves and one-of-a-kind jewelry. On the other hand, if you only wanted a single defining piece, many items in this studio would prove to be eye-catching and valuable additions to your outfit.

Compared to the other two studios, clothes here are pricier: the average price here is around RMB 200 for pants and RMB 400 for dresses.

Find it:
798 中二街酒仙桥2号院内4幢平房1号
798 Zhong Er Street Jiuxian Bridge Courtyard No.2 Building No.1
Tel: 15810780512

Images: Hanna Wang

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