
Dance for Charity: How You Can Support This Year's Wonder Ball

Vivienne Rush Jingkids 2023-11-29


Titled “Gratitude is Happiness Doubled by Wonder,” the Wonder Ball is a dance charity event organized by the Conservatory of International Style and Cultural Arts (CISCA) and Tian Art Foundation. After a three-year hiatus, this year’s event is all about showing appreciation to the supporters who have helped both organizations to continue their work throughout the pandemic and beyond.

“We are so grateful to be able to have dance as a medium to connect all of us from different walks of life. This year’s Wonder Ball is our way of giving thanks to our partners and patrons,” says Founder of CISCA and Tian Art Foundation, Flora Zeta Cheong-Leen, in a phone interview with jingkids.

Flora has had quite the journey, from dancer – as the first person of Asian descent to join the ranks of the Royal Academy of Ballet (RAD) – to actress to celebrated fashion designer to founder of CISCA – a dance school with over five branches and links to various international schools across Shanghai and Beijing – where she continues to teach ballet on a daily basis.

CISCA organizes the Wonder Ball to offer a unique opportunity for students to get an unforgettable stage experience, enhance technical skills, develop expressive and cognitive abilities, build up their self-confidence, and learn to work as a team. At the same time, it aims to raise funds to stimulate and support highly talented, but under-privileged children in their development within the performing arts through Tian Art Foundation and to benefit the Starlight Benefit Autism Art Therapy Public Welfare Project, founded by the Autistic Children Rescue Fund of the China Social Welfare Foundation.

The Wonder Ball this year will see CISCA students as young as 6 years old all the way to the adults of the professional dance company, twirl their way into our hearts. The mix of international and local performers demonstrates Flora’s keen belief that dance is a universal language that unites all who partake in it.

Would you like to be a proud sponsor at the Wonder Ball 2023? They are seeking sponsorship for relevant resources for the event. In return for your kind sponsorship, you will receive one full-page or half-page color complimentary advertisement or credit acknowledgment in the ball program for the evening and acknowledgments on the CISCA official WeChat. Contact flora@cisca.com.cn or manager Becky Lam at becky@cisca.com.cn for more information.

Jingkids is proud to partner with CISCA at the Wonder Ball 2023. Jingkids is part of True Run Media. Founded in 2001, True Run Media is a media, events, and advertising company that helps the local and international communities get the most out of life in China. Our flagship brands include the Beijinger (available in both English and Chinese), and Jingkids (in Beijing and Shanghai). We serve both Chinese and international communities, helping them harness the best of China. Our diverse brands cover a wide range of audiences, from millennials looking for leisure activities to parents looking for family-friendly entertainment or good schools. Through our social media channels, community events, websites, and print magazines, we reach over 100,000 people each month. For businesses, we provide a way to connect with both local and international consumers, aiding organizations of every size to grow and thrive in China.

Images: Courtesy of CISCA

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