
💝 Butter up your honey with this V-day macaron!

2017-02-11 Shanghaiist

Valentine's Day is the perfect excuse to indulge in decadent desserts. Whether you are with someone, have a secret crush or (happily) single, the team over at your favorite bakery Bread etc. has thoughtfully whipped out the perfect V-Day dessert - the Valentine's Macaron. Filled with mascarpone cream, with fresh strawberries and blueberries, it is reasonably priced at ¥55 and is perfect for two. Order yours now and pick up at Bread etc.

The quickest pick-ups are available on the same day for orders made two hours in advance before 4pm. Orders made after 4pm can only be picked up the next day. 

情人节,一个可以让我们尽情沉溺在甜蜜和甜品的日子。无论现在的你是恋爱中、暗恋着还是幸福的单身着,你钟爱的Bread etc.已为你准备好了甜蜜的节日问候 - 情人节限定马卡龙。马卡龙的酥脆搭配马斯卡彭奶油的绵密和草莓、蓝莓的新鲜,仅需 55元 便可享受完美的节日限定甜品,甜蜜的路上爱在Bread etc.

为了方便顾客,BREAD etc. 还提供在线订购服务,即日起只需点击以下链接就可预定你的情人节限定马卡龙。下订单请备注好领取日期和时间, 四点前预定还能两小时内领取哦。

Want your own Valentine's Macaron? Here's how! 预订步骤

1. Scan the QR code, and fill up the order form 长按下方二维码,填写预订表单

2. Make your payment via WeChat or AliPay. 通过微信或支付宝进行预订

3. Show up at Bread etc. to pick up your cake! 前往Bread etc. 领取蛋糕!

Bread etc.
500 South Xiangyang Road // 襄阳南路 500号

