
Experience the home of modern Chinese food at Oriental House

2018-01-17 Shanghaiist Shanghaiist

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Modern Chinese food is everywhere in Shanghai nowadays, but few places does it as fluidly as Oriental House. They combine traditional Chinese flavors with modern cooking techniques, bringing more taste, texture, and complexity to your favorite Chinese dishes. To find out more, we talked to founder Victor Ruan on his inspiration, dining trends, and what he enjoys eating at home.


Where are you from and how did you get into the f&b business in Shanghai?

I was born in southern China, and I grew up enjoying the food in my hometown. I was in fashion industry in Shanghai, but I’ve always loved food and wanted to open a restaurant that infuses my hometown food into global cuisines.



Victor Ruan 阮博平

What is the concept of Oriental House and what inspired you to create it?

Lu You, a prominent poet during the Southern Song dynasty, wrote, “I return to my house by Lake Mirror, and drink good wine by the fence every day.” We wanted to recreate that feeling of being home and treating yourself. We initially started with the name 最东 (zuì dōng),  which means the furthest east, to convey that we’re an authentic Chinese restaurant. Then we changed the name to 醉东, which sounds exactly the same but means to indulge in the charms of the orient. That’s how we got our name Oriental House 醉东.

Oriental House背后的涵义是什么?是什么激发了你创造它的灵感?

“言归镜湖上,日日醉东篱。”——陆游《读吕舍人诗追次其韵》初心是“最东”,想要呈现“最”东方的情怀,沉醉于迷人的东方,于是我就借用了陆游诗词中的“醉东篱”的意境来命名自己的餐厅——醉东Oriental House。

What are your signature dishes?

Crispy pork intestines is one. It's crunchy on the outside and tender on the inside. We use the intestines from free-range pigs, marinate them in our homemade sauce, and let them dry naturally. To get rid of the fat inside the offal, we put a piece of fresh garlic stem, which we found out only after many experiments. Quail eggs boiled in rum is another signature dish. You can taste the mixture of rum, Chinese medicinal herbs, and tea in them. Then there’s our mapo tofu. It was invented by an elderly lady in Sichuan, and in Japan I tried one version made by her descendant. We now cook it in that style here.



How do you compete against similar and more established concepts in Shanghai?

Our interpretation of Chinese dishes infuses both Chinese and Western cooking philosophies. We source our ingredients as close as possible to their places of origin, and cook them using traditional Chinese methods and Western techniques such as molecular gastronomy, sous-vide, and smoking with oak. Although we cook with modern techniques, we try to adhere as closely as possible to the traditional flavors of a dish.



What are some dining trends you see happening?

This industry is getting younger and more diversified. Young people are becoming the main consumers and this changes the entire f&b business. For example, restaurants can become popular online and this attracts a younger crowd. Many of these restaurants also offer food that are plated beautifully. But we should always keep in mind that taste lies at the heart of the f&b industry.



What do you eat back home? 

I grew up eating a dish of braised pork with meigancai (a preserved vegetable). Nowadays few people would make this dish because it’s oily and salty, and not very healthy. I wanted to preserve this dish from my childhood memory while incorporating some modern touches, so I added fresh mozzarella. Now on the menu is braised pork with meigancai topped with cheese.


在我童年,有一道菜陪我走过几乎整个童年的料理。那就是“梅干菜扣肉”!现如今,因为人们对自身健康意识的提高,已经很少有人去做这道口味油腻偏咸的料理。我很希望这道传统却富有童年记忆的料理能够传承下去。为了适应现代人的口味和对食客健康的保障。使用年轻人喜爱的新鲜马苏里拉芝士对其进行改良。这就是现在这道传统却新颖的醉东原创料理“奶酪焗梅干菜肉末" 。

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