
French national Eric Demaret was many things: he was an excellent consultant to brands wanting to succeed in Asia's luxury and hospitality industries, an f&b mentor to businesses in China, and a start-up genius. More importantly, he was a joyful and high-spirited human being, a loving father, a devoted brother and son, a trustworthy companion, an admired teacher, a fervent musician, and an amazing friend.

Unfortunately, Demaret, born August 6, 1965, passed on in Shanghai on February 19, 2018. He was 53 years old. We spoke to a number of people in the city's f&b community to find out what Demaret meant to them, and a memorial service will be held from 1pm to 2pm on Wednesday, February 28. A online page (https://remembr.com/eric.demaret) has also been set up for people to pay tribute to him. Come down to say goodbye to Demaret one last time, or head to the page to leave a note or share a photo of the great man.

Wednesday, February 28

1pm to 2pm

210 Caoxi Road / 漕溪路210号

Room name: 云归厅

"Eric and I talked about everything, from life to the delicious meals we had here. From managing Shanghai Village to teaching an MBA class, you always seemed so busy. You unwaveringly supported young people and their ideas, and brought people together. The last time we said goodbye was before Chinese New Year, when I couldn't forget your rugged beard. Rest in peace, Eric. Your name will always be remembered.

Albert Xiang - CEO of CloudFB

"Eric was always around to support us, give us advice, and share life stories. We would talk about classic dishes and he would only have good things to say about our products. I'll miss his soul and his magical smile for sure."

Nicolas Ruaud - director of Lost Bakery

"Eric was an enthusiast. Throughout his career, his involvement and energy in helping other restaurateurs made him a key figure in the f&b scene of Shanghai. I hope he's resting well now."

Maxime Papon - operation manager at A* Catering

"Eric and I had a good working relationship and a beautiful friendship. He was a great person and an excellent mentor. He loved anyone in the f&b world, and they repaid his repect by tenfold. If heaven exists, we will surely share more good times over a great meal."

Gilles Devingt - CEO of FOF China

"One of the most touching fellows I had the privilege of knowing. A sensitive and generous soul. I remember the first time I met him very long ago, when he tasted my ice cream and had only kind words to say. A true enthusiast of good taste."

Nicolas Kubler - ice cream distributor in Shanghai

"We met only six months ago but we had a great time. We had many interesting exchanges and I was always struck by your passion about food. You were loyal and always had something nice to say about everybody. I wish we had more time to develop our friendship. You will truly be missed! Rest in peace, Eric." 

Simon Briens - co-owner of RAC

"I was devastated when I heard the news last Friday and could barely believe it. It’s such a big loss for the f&b community in Shanghai but also the loss of a friend. He had such a huge heart and was always willing to share and make the scene here stronger. He will be remembered as a great man. Rest in peace my friend."

Yannick Lequellenec - Founder of Gastronomy Club

If you knew Eric Demaret, we would love to hear from you. Please leave your thoughts and condolences in the comments below.

