
Shanghaiist 2018-05-26

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Attention late-night revelers on Yueyang Road and Dongping Road: never party hungry again with Grill and Chill's new outlet in the area, which is serving kebabs and Mediterranean-style food till dawn.

常年流连于岳阳路和东平路开派对到天明的小伙伴们有口福了:Grill and Chill地中海烤肉新分店要开张啦!蹦迪怎么能饿着肚子去呢,快来尝尝他们新鲜出炉的土耳其烤肉和其他地中海美食吧。

Located in Beaver bar, next to Hollywood Club, you can get Grill and Chill's meat and vegetarian platters, wraps, and sandwiches from 11am to 6.30am from Thursday to Saturday. There are also dips such as hummus and babaganoush, and specials like hatay (a chili chicken donor wrap) and the sumac beef-lamb donor wrap. Pro tip: come on Tuesdays for their buy-one-get-one promotion on their chicken wrap.

Grill and Chill地中海烤肉的新分店就开在Beaver酒吧内,旁边是Hollywood Club。每周四至周六上午11点至次日凌晨6:30供应素食法拉费拼盘、烤肉卷和各式三明治。还有各式蘸酱类菜品如鹰嘴豆泥、烤红椒茄子泥等,还有特色菜哈提鸡肉卷以及苏麦牛羊肉卷。还有个小秘密一般人我不告诉他:每周二鸡肉卷买一送一哦。

To ward off the next-day headaches, try their kapsalon, a Dutch-Turkish hangover dish consisting of fries topped with meat, cheddar, and salad. Then wash it down with their range of beers.


Operated by three Turkish expats, the new Grill and Chill will also serve people in the Xuhui district through food delivery apps. Find them on Ele Me, Meituan, Sherpa, and corporate caterer freshchefs. There will be special sets and deals for those who order online.

Grill and Chill地中海烤肉由3位土耳其人开办,店内提供的都是最正宗的土耳其美食。住在徐汇区的小伙伴如果懒得出门,他们也可以把美食送到你家门口。Grill and Chill地中海烤肉外卖配送现已登陆饿了么、美团及食派士,并且也和FreshChefs有合作。网上点餐还可以享受优惠套餐哦。

To kick things off, they're having an event on Saturday, April 21 with free snacks, shots, and buy-one-get-one on beers. DJ Charles and Tonic will also be playing latin, pop, and electro from 6pm to 10pm. With Grill and Chill, there's no reason to party Yueyang Road on an empty stomach again.

为了庆祝新店开张,4月21日星期六将有免费小食、饮料以及啤酒买一送一优惠活动晚上6点至10点,DJ Charles和Tonic在现场为大家表演拉丁、流行和电子音乐助兴。有了Grill and Chill,再也不用饿着肚子去蹦迪了。

Grill and Chill Xuhui

Sunday to Wednesday: 11am to 11pm

Thursday to Saturday: 11am to 6.30am

28 Yueyang Road / 岳阳路28号

Grill and Chill徐汇分店




