
Shanghaiist 2018-05-25

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If you want to taste food created by the world's best chefs, now there's a WeChat store for that. Introducing Via Stelle, a gourmet platform that delivers dishes from top culinary masters to you, including these salads made by two top chefs from Korea.

足不出户就能畅享全球顶尖厨师的手艺,这等好事现在已经能够实现了。美食配送平台Via Stelle现已推出微信店铺,把全球美味送到你家门口,包括由两位韩国美女大厨倾力打造的健康沙拉。

Jiae Choi and Hawa Song.

Jiae Choi and Hawa Song are two chefs who are working in some of the world's buzziest restaurants. Choi is at Mingles in Seoul, while Song cooks at Thomas Keller's Bouchon. For Via Stelle, they applied their fine-dining approach to salads.

Jiae Choi和Hawa Song是两位在顶尖餐厅工作的厨师。Choi在首尔的Mingles餐厅工作,而Song则受聘于Thomas Keller's Bouchon。两位美女大厨将高级餐厅的奢华注入这几款Via Stelle所售的沙拉中。


WATCH: How the salads are prepared. 立即观看:这些沙拉是如何制作的。

First, they think about the cuisine. If it’s a country-specific cuisine like Mexican, they think of the things that reminds them of Mexico - the warm sun, a relaxing beach, the welcoming people. Then they think about the taste, playing around with ingredients until they find the right balance. That's how they came up with the Guaca Hola (¥45). 

两位大厨首先考虑的是菜系风格。如果是墨西哥风格,她们则会寻找令人想起墨西哥的元素——温暖的阳光、慵懒的沙滩、热情的当地人。接着要考虑口味,用不同的原料进行组合实验,直到寻找到最合适的搭配,这样就得到了这款名为Guaca Hola (¥45)的沙拉了。 

The chefs also made the salads easy to eat. Salads can be pretty but also finicky. The pieces are not cut evenly, and the sauce doesn't coat well. The chefs fixed this by chopping everything into bite sizes. You can have all the flavors in one scoop.


Then there's taste. Sure, a salad is healthy but it should also flavorful and varied. That's why there are eight different choices: seven regular and one seasonal. They vary from sweet to spicy, European to Asian, like the vegetarian Egyptian Hummus (¥35). It's rich and nutty, and the whole chickpeas are spicy and crispy.

众所周知沙拉非常健康,但健康并不代表索而无味。他们提供八款不同沙拉,其中七款品种固定,第八款根据季节而变化。这八款沙拉口味有甜有辣,从欧洲到亚洲风格口味不一。比如说这款Egyptian Hummus (¥35),口味丰富,满满的都是营养坚果,饱满的鹰嘴豆又脆又辣。

There's also the Tokyo Tower (¥55). The chefs wanted to make a salad that feels like a Japanese fine dining meal called kaiseki, and they combined yuzu wasabi dressing, pepper steak, okra, and edamame.

还有这款Tokyo Tower (¥55),灵感来源于精致的日本传统美食怀石料理,配上日本柚子芥末、胡椒牛排、秋葵以及毛豆。

Can't decide what you like? Then get Via Stelle's salad subscription plans, with options for three, five, or seven days. You can also specify what day and time you want them delivered. There are plenty of other meals too: pasta, beef stew, soup, and dessert, which can be delivered within an hour. To order, scan the QR code below to access Via Stelle's WeChat page, click 'ORDER' at the bottom, and up your salad game today.

这么多款沙拉,选择困难症要犯了?不妨选择Via Stelle的沙拉优惠套餐,可选3天、5天或7天套餐,并且可以指定配送的日期和时间。除了沙拉还有其他各式美味:意大利面、炖牛肉、羹汤和甜点,1小时快速送到你家门口。立即扫描下方二维码,跳转至Via Stelle的微信页面,点击下方'ORDER'按钮,在家享受一顿健康又美味的沙拉吧。

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