
After a night of drinking, man wakes to find penis nearly gone

Shanghaiist Shanghaiist 2019-06-02

Earlier this month, a man from Hunan province woke up after a night of drinking to find that his penis had nearly been severed off.

The 44-year-old man, surnamed Tan, had gone out for boozy dinner with friends in the city of Huaihua on the night of May 7th. He ended up drinking so much alcohol that he passed out.

At 5 am the following morning, Tan awoke to a sharp pain and blood flowing out of his groin. He was horrified to discover that his penis had been nearly cut off at the stem with only a thin piece skin connecting it to the rest of his body, according to a report from the Xiaoxiang Morning Herald.

Tan quickly called his brother and together they sought out medical help. However, several hospitals in the city turned him down, explaining that reattachment would be too complicated a procedure. Eventually though, he was accepted at the Xiangya Hospital in the provincial capital of Changsha.

In a seven-hour operation, surgeons managed to stitch back together Tan’s penis, repairing his urethra, blood flow, and spongy tissue. Doctors are hopeful that he will regain urinary and sexual function.


Following the incident, Tan is said to be in a state of shock, refusing to say who he believes carried out the attack on his manhood.


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