Man almost dies after picking his nose with chopstick

Shanghaiist Shanghaiist

As your mother would say, you should never pick your nose. However, you certainly shouldn’t do so with a chopstick and on unsteady ground.

After finishing up dinner on Friday, a man in the Hunan capital of Changsha felt his nose starting to itch. Everyone else had already left the table, so he used the opportunity to jam a chopstick up his nostril in search of relief as he got to his feet.

But, as he was doing this, he stumbled, falling to the ground face-first and sending the 20-centimeter long chopstick through his nasal cavity.

He was quickly rushed to the hospital where doctors decided that emergency surgery was necessary, worrying that a sudden movement of his head might kill him.

Fortunately, the operation was successful. The chopstick was removed from the man’s skull and he was placed into the intensive care unit for further looking after.


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