Woman injures spine while trying to copy roly-poly girl

Shanghaiist Shanghaiist

A 20-year-old woman in Xi’an ended up in the hospital after attempting to imitate one of the biggest recent stars of Chinese social media.

Over the past month, a young woman in the Shaanxi capital named Feng Jiachen has become famous as China’s “roly-poly girl,” captivating crowds by dressing in traditional clothing and rotating around on a giant round base, gracefully defying gravity.

While the act may seem effortless, it’s not something you should try lightly as one woman found out. The woman began suffering serious pain to her waist after trying to imitate the “roly-poly girl.” At the hospital, doctors told her that she had suffered a compression fracture to her lower spine.

The Chinese internet is full of videos of people falling while attempting to mimic Feng. Her performance requires not only the right equipment but an especially lithe body type. She says her weight has to stay under 50 kilograms.




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