尚音乐 | Don't worry about it 给自己留点歇息的空间
90后歌手 Jack Garratt 可谓风头正劲,他是来自英国的歌手、音乐人和乐器演奏家。他更是在今年1月BBC年度之声评选中,荣获“英国最具潜力新人”奖。
2016年2月,Jack Garratt 发行了他的首张专辑《Phase》。今天要为大家推荐的,是这张专辑中的其中一首歌《Worry》。
之所以推荐这首歌,是觉得在这个充斥着网络暴力,道德绑架的互联网世界里,自己应该多留点歇息的空间,无视那些愚昧无知的键盘侠,就像这首歌里唱的 “Don't you worry about it,try and give yourself some rest.”
My nights are broken up by the sounds of women I'll never meet
(今夜难挨 毁在多少命中错过的 女人手里)
And when my eyes are closed I can start to feel you staring at me
(总感到你还在看着我 在每个梦里)
The right side of my bed has always left me feeling stuck in between
(床边曾经有你的位置 让我陷入两难之地)
Everything I know and all the lies I tell myself so I can sleep
Pick apart the pieces you left
Don't you worry about it
Don't you worry about it
Try and give yourself some rest
And let me worry about it
Let me worry about it
You came around to say that you've been away, like I hadn't known
(你又自欺欺人的向我强调一遍 你我已经分手)
As if I don't wake up every single day not seeing you go
(仿佛没了你 我的生活只剩痛苦难受)
As if this moon of ours only shines a half to make me feel whole
(仿佛无缘团圆 残月照得我心空空)
As if I haven't felt your breath in every step I take when the wind blows
(仿佛起风时候 又让我想起你呼吸的节奏)
Pick apart the pieces you left
Don't you worry about it
Don't you worry about it
Try and give yourself some rest
And let me worry about it
Let me worry about it
Pick apart the pieces you left
Don't you worry about it
Don't you worry about it
Try and give yourself some rest
And let me worry about it
Let me worry about it
Pick apart the pieces you left
Don't you worry about it
Don't you worry about it
Try and give yourself some rest
And let me worry about itt
Let me worry about it