
2016-12-09 Wang Han 环球时报英文版 环球时报英文版

这周,一个名为 “借贷宝10G不雅照”的压缩包在国内和国外引起轰动。


人们一边讨伐这些女生 “不要脸没脑子”,一边如饥似渴地做伸手党:“谁有资源?谁有种子?”“卧槽竟然在里面看见了熟人”






@Darwin:10G门的女生逻辑在哪儿?不仅要给贷方10-20%的利息,还要给他们自己至关重要的身份信息(学信、一卡通、身份证),还要给他们自己的裸照、私密照,自己换得了什么呢? 大四男生很困惑。







@华颖:我大二的时候通过专业技能接活儿就已经能月入5000左右了…自己动手丰衣足食,何必还要做这种事情。 唉,能力跟不上欲望,进而绝望的… 



@Te amo:回答刚刚有朋友问靠什么收回成本 其实借出去的贷款有一半以上是收不回来了,或者说那些人借之前根本没有想过要还!所以这行里诞生了一条灰色产业链。 被借款人在借款时会告知借款人如果到时还不上可以通过肉体交易偿还贷款,上家会帮你找好买春人员。通常买春人员支付的款项是大于贷款款项的 价格的高低取决于贷款人员的质量,通过招嫖的收入都比收回贷款高的多。





“大家一开始都是从花呗开始的咯。当时给我了五千块额度,买东西又跟不花钱一样,那一个月就把全部额度都花光了。我数数那段都买了什么啊:一个日本的美容仪,几件衣服,还有两只 suqqu 的眼影 —— 那阵在舞蹈社团嘛,加上眼影简直敲好看现在都绝版了真的。到了9号要还花呗 —— 我每个月生活费就一千九真只够吃吃喝喝用的,就从借呗借了现金还,借得多了点没忍住又买了两套衣服,然后再找别家借,加上花呗一还了钱额度又控制不住买……最后就打了裸条,拿着了四千多。

其实下狠心打裸条也是想终结那段时间疯狂的买买买吧…….这两天我也看到了不少人对借贷宝裸条门那个事的评论。我真的不是不要脸变相卖身,这些钱我是真想还。借了款之后我也有努力做兼职什么的,可还是填不上这个坑 —— 最后没办法,骗父母说我想报一个舞蹈培训班,拿着他们给的钱才勉强没让我自己的裸照也满天飞—— 20岁,大二。”

我必须得在毕业前整容。整容一定是会上瘾的。刚开始我是在大二攒了好一阵钱做的双眼皮,整个人气质都不一样了,然后垫了鼻子 —— 那次的钱就是找了家分期机构。但后来越看越觉得自己的脸太宽了,所以我必须得把下颌角做了。


各种借贷平台借了个遍,最后还差几千块,找了两家裸条。手术做完有一阵了,大概各种平台还欠了四万多 —— 拆东墙补西墙的,再加上申请分期啊手续费的,就高了点儿。尽量不逾期吧,但裸照公开不公开无所谓了。我借的那会儿就拍了两张身份证裸照,也没现在这些拍小视频什么的。反正照片上的我比现在难看多了,身份证照片也肯定得换—— 22岁,大四。”

弄坏室友的电脑要赔,因为有借贷逾期历史除了“裸条” 借不到钱 ——19岁,大一

“没什么,就是双十一买太多把一个学期的生活费都花光了 —— 20岁,大三

看到这些回答,小编特别想说的是,现在社交媒体这么发达,我们每天可以看到朋友圈、微博、 Instagram上的同龄人衣着光鲜,用着最新的电子产品,去着高档餐厅,晒着满世界旅游的照片。




以下是Global Times (Metro Shanghai)近期刊登的一篇小评论,文末有投票哟,欢迎大家参与!

For female student debtors, dirty deeds done dirt cheap

The most sensational news in China this week, dubbed "Stupid-Girl.zip-Gate," is the 10-gigabyte file of nude photographs and videos of thousands of female Chinese university students that were leaked online and, as a result, shared across the world.

It was reported that the girls' explicit selfies, in which each of them was photographed holding their ID cards, were taken willingly and by themselves as collateral for monetary loans via online peer-to-peer lending platforms.

The money these girls borrowed ranged from 2,000 yuan ($290.74) to 6,000 yuan; the more money loaned, the more graphic the selfie needed to be. The platforms usually required the money to be paid back within one to four weeks at a weekly interest rate of 15 percent.

Once news of the X-rated loans made headlines, netizens debated who was more at fault. "Why are illegal loan businesses allowed to operate online? Such peer-to-peer lending platforms should be shut down," one Weibo user commented. 

But most blamed the girls. "Why would any young woman ever agree to hand over masturbation videos to evil loan sharks?" a netizen lamented.

After reading all the media reports and online comments, the biggest question in my mind, as a fellow female, is why any woman would willingly offer their most private information to complete strangers just for a small amount of money? I wondered if each of them had some major life crises.

But what I found after further researching this bizarre calamity was that around 64 percent of the females who appeared in the file are university students. Most students are given a monthly allowance of around 1,500 yuan by their families, enough to cover basic campus living expenses.

But with materialistic, vainglorious Chinese society being what it is, many of these girls desired extra spending money for fashionable clothes and high-end cosmetics.

One girl told a reporter that she had borrowed tens of thousands of yuan just so that she could get plastic surgery. "After I fixed my face, even though the loan sharks exposed my nude pictures, no one can recognize me now," she said.

The popularization of social networking in China is also largely to blame. Almost all university-age Chinese today have a Weibo and WeChat account, and through these apps they are constantly informed and updated on the lifestyles of celebrities and their better-off peers.

After being barraged with an endless stream of selfies of other women wearing fancy clothes and using high-end products, it's inevitable that some impressionable schoolgirls would want to imitate these fancy lifestyles, even if it's beyond their consumption ability.

More importantly, sex-related content is so common nowadays that we as a society seem to have lost all shame and have become numb to nudity.

One perfect example is the new one-finger selfie challenge that encourages Chinese women to take nude pictures of themselves in the mirror while covering their private parts with just one finger.

After going viral on Weibo, last week the one-finger selfies were shared on Reddit, becoming China's all-time most voted post (which says a lot about the mentality and desires of Western men).

Likewise, the stupid-girl.zip file was also widely shared among local expats and foreign exchange students here.

Even if Chinese authorities were to delete all this pornography on Weibo and WeChat, once they are shared in the West it becomes an impossible task.

But then again, seeing as how so many Chinese females seem to actually desire this kind of fame and notoriety, such as those female Webcasters who earn hundreds of thousands of yuan every month simply by showing their cleavage, it becomes obvious that most are indifferent about revealing their bodies to the public.

I don't pity any of the students who had their nude photos leaked in the file. They were stupid, and quite vain, to participate in usurious loans just for a lifestyle that far exceeds their consumption abilities.

But hopefully this case will raise the public's awareness on the side effects that social media are having on China's younger generations.

原文/文案:Wang Han

图:Chen Xia、网络


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