
厉害了word美国大妈,在上海连跳五年广场舞! | 脑洞英语

2017-05-12 陆婷/Stella 环球时报英文版





65岁的美国阿姨荣戴佳,在上海交通大学的广场上跳了五年的广场舞了。 2012年,她和丈夫退休后从美国来到中国上海教书,而她与广场舞有关的日子也正是从那时开始的。刚来时,她不会说中文,也没有朋友。于是,荣阿姨每天散步,然后看到一群和她年纪一样大的女士在跳舞,玩得很开心。于是荣阿姨也加入了,受到了广场舞伙伴们的欢迎。如今,荣阿姨坚持去跳广场舞。

“They told me I’m the first person in Shanghai to ever just keep coming.”

Debrah Roundy, a 65-year-old American lady living in Shanghai, has been participating in plaza dancing every morning for the past five years on the campus of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Roundy and her husband moved to Shanghai in 2012 to teach at local universities. When they first arrived, she did not speak any Chinese and had no friends. Wandering around the city every day, she met some local seniors who looked around her age and who seemed to be having fun dancing in the public square every day. She joined in one morning, the dance leader welcomed her to continue and now Roundy is a regular.




“The black swan died, so we cooked it.”

Two men surnamed Zhou and Wang were detained by Xuhui police after stealing and killing a black swan from Xujiahui Park on the late night of April 22. They had planned to catch fish in the park lake but gave up after seeing security guards patrolling the area. While they were wandering in the park, they found a 6-month-old black swan and grabbed it. The swan died on their way home, so they cooked it and ate half. They threw away the other half because they said it didn’t taste good. They were detained on charges of hunting and killing a wild animal.




“The once unlucky family now has two healthy babies.”

Children’s Hospital of Fudan University successfully separately two 3-month-old conjoined twin girls connected at their liver on Monday. The deformity was detected when the Jiangsu Province-born mother was 22 weeks pregnant. While hospitals in Jiangsu suggested an abortion, the mother insisted on visiting a hospital in Shanghai to keep the babies. According to professors Zheng Shan and Shen Chun, who led the surgery team, most doctors would advise an abortion, but their hospital’s precise prenatal diagnosis, assessment and management made the separation surgery successful. 




"We train our students to skip rope to strengthen their constitution."

A Shanghai pupil's rope-skipping achievement recently tied the world record after jumping 111 times in 30 seconds during a competition in 2016. The boy and two friends who turned the rope for him are grade 5 students from a Baoshan district school, where every student is trained to practice this sport. The school's headmaster told media that jumping rope is affordable, convenient and healthy.




"If people eat foods that contain antibiotics, antibiotics won't cure them when they get ill."

According to the latest random inspection results issued by Shanghai Municipal Food and Drug Administration, the authority found antibiotics in four batches of eggs sold at local supermarkets, including three at Walmart and one at RT-Mart. When local media visited Walmart on Saturday, they found the supermarket was indeed still selling the problematic eggs. Li Shuguang, professor from Fudan University, told media that antibiotics absorbed by the human body from eating eggs or other foods can lead to antimicrobial resistance.

漫画:Lu Ting


翻译:Stella Du


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