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Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science
构建与学术的桥梁 拉近与权威的距离
🔷Title l 题目
Joint AIHS and Particle Swarm Optimization for Pan-sharpening
🔷Citation l 引文格式
Yingxia CHEN,Yan CHEN,Cong LIU. Joint AIHS and Particle Swarm Optimization for Pan-sharpening[J]. Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science, 2020, 3(2): 105-113.DOI: 10.11947/ j.JGGS.2020.0211.
🔷Abstract l 摘要
Pan-sharpening is a process of obtaining a high spatial and spectral multispectral image (HMS) by combining a low-resolution multispectral image (LMS) with a high-resolution panchromatic image (PAN). In this paper, a pan-sharpening method called PAIHS is proposed, which is based on adaptive intensity-hue-saturation (AIHS) transformation, variational pan-sharpening framework and the two fidelity hypotheses. The suitable objective function is established and optimized by adopting particle swarm optimization (PSO) to obtain the optimal control parameters and minimum value. This value corresponds to the best pan-sharpening quality. The experimental results show that the proposed method has high efficiency and reliability, and the obtained performance index is superior to the four mainstream pan-sharpening methods.
🔷Key words l 关键词
pan-sharpening; multispectral image; panchromatic image; AIHS transformation; particle swarm optimization; objective function
🔷Authors l 作者
Yingxia CHEN, Yan CHEN, Cong LIU
Yingxia CHEN
Cong LIU
本文节选自JGGS 2020,Volume 3,Issue 2, p105-113.点击阅读原文即可下载。
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