Annals of GIS论文推荐 | 探讨美国摇滚音乐会的空间变化与人口和休闲及酒店业的关系
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本期将介绍Annals of GIS(地理信息科学年刊)最近发布的一篇学术论文,文章的主题是:探讨美国摇滚音乐会的空间变化与人口和休闲及酒店业的关系。欢迎阅读。
Exploring spatial variations of US rock music concerts in relation to population demographics and leisure and hospitality industry
Tianyu Li
Tianyu Li (2022) Exploring spatial variations of US rock music concerts in relation to population demographics and leisure and hospitality industry, Annals of GIS, 28:3, 293-306, DOI: 10.1080/19475683.2022.2031293
Rock music is an integral part of American culture. This paper presents a study of sensing and analysing over 57,000 rock music live performances between 2007 and 2017. Spatial traces of 575 rock music artists performing in concerts nationwide were collected from a major music streaming platform Spotify. Location-based concert data were analysed to explore economic and geographic factors linked to the landscape of rock music live performance and to reveal the importance of population demographics and leisure and hospitality (LH) economics to the culture and music industries from a spatial aspect. Over 90% of rock concerts between 2007 and 2017 were found in 250 counties. The aim of the study is to specify and develop a model that reasonably accounts for spatial heterogeneity present in the concert data. By regressing rock concert data against demographic data and LH establishment data, ordinary least squares (OLS) models were better fitted in metropolitan counties than non-metropolitan counties. Spatial dynamics of concerts were revealed by local R² values and the obtained structure in the form of spatial heterogeneity was then explained using geographically weighted regression (GWR) models. High population density and LH services in industry-leading cities such as New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago and Houston exhibit advantages in explaining rock concert distributions. Findings from the models reflect the live music industry’s interrelationships to the LH industry and suggest LH services being essential considerations in selecting concert destinations for rock musicians.
终审:金 君
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