
测绘地理信息学与教育国际会议 -- 挑战与前景 (ICGE22)(二号通知)

智绘科服 2023-02-18

The following article is from POLYU土地測量及地理資訊學 Author LSGI



为促进测绘地理信息学领域的发展,香港理工大学土地测量及地理资讯学系 (LSGI) 联合国际摄影测量与遥感学会 (ISPRS),和国际测量师协会(FIG)和国际制图协会(ICA)共同举办国际测绘地理信息学科教育方法学大会。





To promote the Geomatics education, we are going to hold an International Conference on Geomatics Education, with the joint organization by  the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), International Federation of Surveyors (FIG), and International Cartographic Association  (ICA).

You are cordially invited to attend the conference to be held from May 10 to 12, 2023 via:





Please find the details as below.

If you have any enquiries, please contact us by email at info.icge@polyu.edu.hk. We look forward to seeing you at the conference!

01 主题

测绘地理信息教育(Geomatics Education)

  1. Curricula development at basic, professional and decision-making levels for Geodesy, Surveying, and Geospatial Information Science;

  2. Cost-effective digital class teaching/ training approaches and web-based sharing of resources for mass awareness programs;

  3. Regional/ International cooperation in capacity building, geodetic science and geospatial intelligence technology;

  4. Engaging tutors/ trainers and preparing educational material and support, including open-source software education;

  5. Young people on basic and advances in Geodesy, Photogrammetry, RS & Geoinformation Sciences through students’ consortium;

  6. Innovative geospatial technologies for infrastructure planning and assets mapping;

  7. Organizing regional and international summer schools, seminars, workshops and tutorials, and cooperation with government and industry

Track One – Curricula Development

  1. Framework for multi‐level education & training – curriculum development;

  2. Coordination and adaptation with use and investigation of emerging techniques and methodology, such as AI, CNN, SfM, etc.

  3. Development of International collaborative education Programs;

  4. Development of regional collaboration towards Urban Science, Environmental and Geospatial Technology;

  5. Development of web-based sharing resource and portal for education and research – MOOC subjects; 

Track Two – Promotion of Profession

  1. Promotion of the profession to young people;

  2. Distance learning – post-COVID-19 education and training services;

  3. Online practicum and lab to meet the accreditation demands of the profession(s);

  4. Innovative technologies in training civil engineers and architects, city planners, urban environmental (geo-)scientist, computer scientists and geo AI engineers;

  5. Promotion of open-source toolkits and materials on Geomatics Technology

02 主办和协办方

香港理工大学,  LSGI

国际摄影测量与遥感学会 (ISPRS)


国际测量师协会 (FIG)

国际制图协会 (ICA)

03 日期

2023年5月10日 一 2023年5月12日

ICGE22 文章投稿


Scan the QR code below to submit a contribution

终审:金   君



○ 测绘学报 | 奚旭:基于区间映射和最大扰动区域的矢量地图可逆水印算法

○ 北斗PPK技术辅助无人机航空摄影测量精度分析

○ 测绘学报 | 罗卿莉:SAR影像变化检测的前景特征流形排序法

○ 英国伦敦大学学院—程涛教授 | JGGS编委重磅文章推荐

○ 灌区蒸散发遥感反演及其时空变化特征分析

