PIFO Gallery, B11, 798 Art Zone, Beijing 关于画廊 偏锋画廊坚持对中国当代艺术进程的洞察以及对欧洲及战后艺术大师的探索,并在两者的对话与碰撞中寻找各种可能的艺术力量。偏锋既是中国最早推动抽象艺术研究与发展的重要画廊,也是持续探讨具象绘画在当下多种可能性的主要机构。我们深信,艺术的体验产生于一个又一个的变革中创造的新世界;艺术家的作品正是探索世界的第三只眼睛。对于收藏家,偏锋为其提供专业知识,鼓励他们发掘个人独特的视角,只因两者的充分结合才能构建卓越的收藏。我们希望更多的藏家可以秉持鉴赏家的心态,更深入地理解当代艺术以及欣赏画廊发掘、重塑并坚信的艺术家。 About the Gallery PIFO Gallery concentrates on the participation of the course of Chinese contemporary art and the exploration of post-war European master artists and seeking for all possibilities of art power in the dialogue and collision between the two aspects. As a major gallery in China specialized in the study and promotion of abstract art, and also the main institution to continuously explore the various possibilities of figurative art at present, PIFO is convinced that the experience of art emerges from the new world created by one revolution after another; The artist's work is the third eye to explore the world. For collectors, PIFO provides expertise and encourages them to explore their own unique perspective because only the combination of the two can make a great collection. We hope to see a growing number of collectors to take on the roles of a connoisseur, with a more in-depth understanding of Asian and Western contemporary art, and appreciate the artists discovered, reshaped and firmly believed in by the gallery. 媒体/图片垂询 Press enquiries/images张梅颖 Mabel Zhang mabel.zhang@pifo.cnT: +86 10 59789562 其他垂询 All other enquiries王彧涵 Sophia Wang sophia.wang@pifo.cn M: +86 18210011135