
Day 225-Harry Potter 225-Book 2-分享朋友圈打卡!!!

2016-10-03 Tony 小芳老师


  Saturday afternoon seemed to melt away, and in what seemed like no time, it was five minutes to eight, and Harry was dragging his feet along the second-floor corridor to Lockhart's office. He gritted his teeth and knocked.


  The door flew open at once. Lockhart beamed down at him.


  "Ah, here's the scalawag!" he said. "Come in, Harry, come in."


  Shining brightly on the walls by the light of many candles were countless framed photographs of Lockhart. He had even signed a few of them. Another large pile lay on his desk.


  "You can address the envelopes!" Lockhart told Harry, as though this was a huge treat. "This first one's to Gladys Gudgeon, bless her, huge fan of mine."


  The minutes snailed by. Harry let Lockhart's voice wash over him, occasionally saying, "Mmm" and "Right" and "Yeah." Now and then he caught a phrase like, "Fame's a fickle friend, Harry," or "Celebrity is as celebrity does, remember that."


  The candles burned lower and lower, making the light dance over the many moving faces of Lockhart watching him. Harry moved his aching hand over what felt like the thousandth envelope, writing out Veronica Smethley's address. It must be nearly time to leave, Harry thought miserably, please let it be nearly time.


  And then he heard something - something quite apart from the spitting of the dying candles and Lockhart's prattle about his fans.


  It was a voice, a voice to chill the bone marrow, a voice of breathtaking, ice-cold venom.


  "Come, come to me. Let me rip you. Let me tear you. Let me kill you." Harry gave a huge jump and a large lilac blot appeared on Veronica Smethley's street.


  "What?" he said loudly.


  "I know!" said Lockhart. "Six solid months at the top of the best- seller list! Broke all records!"


  "No," said Harry frantically. "That voice!"


  "Sorry?" said Lockhart, looking puzzled. "What voice?"


  "That, that voice that said - didn't you hear it?"


  Lockhart was looking at Harry in high astonishment. "What are you talking about, Harry? Perhaps you're getting a little drowsy? Great Scott - look at the time! We've been here nearly four hours! Id never have believed it - the time's flown, hasn't it?"


  Harry didn't answer. He was straining his ears to hear the voice again, but there was no sound now except for Lockhart telling him he mustn't expect a treat like this every time he got detention. Feeling dazed, Harry left.



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